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ROOT-WORDS are the Suffixes ABLE & IBLE. It means just what it says ABLE & CAN DO. A very useful key they are. Remember the difference between Suffix and Prefix: a prefix comes at the beginning of a word, and suffix at the end.

1. Capable: cap ABLE (cape’ a b’l) adj.

Able to do things well

2. Bearable: bear ABLE (bear’ a b’l) adj.

Able to be endured

3. Agreeable: agree ABLE (a gree’ a b’l) adj.

Able to please’ as, agreeable manners

4. Acceptable: accept ABLE (ak sept’ a b’l) adj.

Able to be accepted; welcome

5. Comfortable: comfort ABLE (com’ fert a b’l) adj.

Able to give case, strength

6. Enjoyable: enjoy ABLE (en joy’ a b’l) adj.

Able to be enjoyed; able to give satisfaction

7. Transferable: transfer ABLE (trans fer’ a b’l) adj.

Can be carried across

8. Forcible: forc IBLE (fors’ i b’l) adj.

Can be powerful; as, a forcible writer

9. Horrible: horr IBLE (hor’ I b’l) adj.

Able to shock

10. Laughable: laugh ABLE (laf’ a b’l) adj.

Can be laughed at; as, a joke

11. Manageable: manage ABLE (man’ ij a b’l) adj.

Can be managed

12. Portable: port ABLE (port’ a b’l) adj.

Can be carried; as, a portable typewriter

13. Reliable: reli ABLE (re lie’ a b’l) adj.

Can be depended on; trustworthy

14. Sociable: soci ABLE (so’ sha b’l) adj.

Friendly; can get along with people

15. Tenable: ten ABLE (ten’ a b’l) adj.

Can be held or defended; sensible

16. Terrible: terr IBLE (ter’ i b’l) adj.

Can excite terror

17. Edible: ed IBLE (ed’ i b’l) adj.

Can be eaten

18. Transmissible: transmiss IIBLE (trans mis’ i b’l) adj.

Can be sent across; can be imparted hereditarily

19. Transportable: transport ABLE (trans port’ a b’l) adj.

Can be carried across

20. Visible: vis IBLE (viz’ i b’l) adj.

Can be seen; perceptible

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