a change of heart
a move to a different opinion or attitude
Related Idioms :
change horses in midstream - do not change horses in midstream
Choose a sensible moment to change your mind. - proverb
This expression is quoted by Abraham Lincoln in 1864 as the saying of an old Dutch farmer. Early versions of it used swap instead of change.
a change is as good as a rest
A change of work or occupation can be as restorative or refreshing as a period of relaxation. – proverb
change your tune
express a very different opinion or behave in a very different way usually in response to a change in circumstances.
get no change out of
fail to get information or a desired reaction from. - British informal
ring the changes
vary the ways of expressing, arranging or doing something.
In bell-ringing, the changes are the different sequences in which a peal of bells may be rung.
a change of heart :
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