Writing in College is an inevitable work for all college-going students. People who have good writing skills enjoy an advantage in almost any situation. They generally make better grades in school or college than people who are poor writer. They’re able to communicate their ideas effectively in school and in business. And when they lodge complaints or make requests, they usually get results. Most People also find that as their writing skills improve, their self - confidence grows and they feel better able to tackle problems and challenges.
So investing the time and energy to improve your writing will pay off not only while you’re a student writing essays, creating a Web site or putting together an oral presentation, but also in later years when you may write grant proposals, business documents or political speeches. The writing strategies you learn now will serve you well for the rest of your life.
Strategies for Writing in College Courses :
Although some kinds of college writing assignments are so specialized that they could require instruction in technical writing, for most assignment you’ll do well if you begin by following these three guidelines:
Analyze Your Writing Situation
Limit Your Writing Topic
Laying Out A Plan of Organization
For Writing Practices :
• Pick one of the several topics for writing described in this section. Assuming you were to begin wring that paper for this class, analyze the writing situation for that topic. Be sure to consider the length of the paper you’re planning, and to note down any possible pitfalls.
• Find a paper you have written for some other class. Write a paragraph describing that paper, and then consider the seven criteria for academic writing in the list, asking yourself whether and how well your paper met those criteria. Write a couple of sentences describing how your paper stacked up against each criterion.
• Using the list of criteria for academic writing in this chapter, analyze a paper you’ve written for some other class, and then revise that paper to better meet those criteria.
• For an audience consisting primarily of the other students in your class and secondarily of your class’s instructor, write a short informal essay on the subject My History as a Writer. What kinds of things have you written in the past? What kind of responses did you receive, and how were they evaluated? What kinds of writing come relatively easy for you, and what kinds are more difficult? Do you do any personal writing (letters, a diary or journal, et), and if so what kinds, If you could choose just one or two thing to work on in your writing this term, what might they be – and why?
• Part of your purpose is for the other students and your instructor to get to know you little better as a writer. You may also begin to think about your own writing, and what you might want to improve.
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