What is the difference between Vast and Bust?
What is the difference between Vast and Bust? :
What is the difference between Vast and Bust? :
Vast :
1 ) Very large in area, size, quantity or degree, immense
His business empire was truly vast.
I incurred a vast expense in constructing this house.
There was a vast crowd at the Ramlila Ground.
2 ) Very great
He has inherited a vast fortune.
I had to spend a vast sum of money to decorate the office rooms and the conference hall.
Bust : (noun)
1 ) Sculpture of a person’s head, shoulders and chest
Woman’s breast, bosom
A woman’s bust is her bosom.
2 ) Measurement round a woman’s chest and back
May I know your bust size, Madam?
Bust : (verb)
1 ) Break something, smash
I dropped my camera on the pavement and bust it.
2 ) Raid a house or arrest someone
He has been busted for drugs.
3 ) Reduce someone to a lower military rank, demote
He was busted for being absent without leave.
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