What is the difference between Nobble and Noble and Novel?

What is the difference between Nobble and Noble and Novel? :

Nobble : (verb)

1 ) Tamper with (a race horse) so that it is less likely to win a race Influence or get the favour of someone especially by unfair or illegal means

He nobbled the judge before the trial.

2 ) Catch (a criminal)

The police nobbled the murder accused.

Noble : (adjective)

1 ) Belonging to the aristocratic society by birth or rank

Are you a man of noble birth?

I belong to a family of noble descent.

2 ) Having or showing excellent character

Not petty or mean

It was a noble of you to accept a lower salary to help the company.

I highly admire your nobler sentiments.

3 ) Splendid

Impressive in appearance and size

She is a woman with noble bearing.

He resides in a noble building.

Novel : (noun)

1 ) Book-length story in prose about either imaginary or historical character

This is one of the historical stories.

Novel : (adjective)

1 ) New and strange

Of a kind not known before

I adopted a novel method to solve the knotty problems.

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