What is the difference between Deaf and Deep and Dip?

What is the difference between Deaf and Deep and Dip? :

Deaf : (adjective)

( 1 ) Unable to hear at all or to hear well

He is deaf in one ear.

She is getting deafer in her old age.

( 2 ) Unwilling to listen to someone

He is deaf to my advice.

Deaf : (noun – plural)

( 1 ) The deaf should be given mercy in this case.

Deep : (adjective)

( 1 ) Extending a long way from top to bottom

It is a deep well.

( 2 ) Extending down, back or in

The canal has water ten feet deep.

People stood twenty deep to see her go past.

( 3 ) Taking in or giving out a lot of air

He took a deep breath.

( 4 ) Far down in something

He stood with his hands deep in his pockets.

( 5 ) Absorbed in something

Do not disturb her. She is deep in thought.

( 6 ) Very involved in something

He was deep in difficulties.

( 7 ) Learned


He is a deep scholar.

Dip : (verb)

( 1 ) Put or lower something into a liquid

Dip your pen into the ink.

Dip : (noun)

( 1 ) Quickly swim or bathe

He has gone for a dip.

( 2 ) Downward slope

There is a dip in the road.

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