What is the difference between Bog and Bug?
What is the difference between Bog and Bug? :
Bog : (adjective)
( 1 ) Area of wet spongy ground formed of decaying vegetation
Let us keep to the path. Parts of the moor are bog.
Bog : (verb)
( 1 ) Cause something to sink into mud or wet ground
The tank got bogged down in the mud.
( 2 ) Cause something to become stuck and unable to make progress
Our discussion got bogged down in irrelevant detail.
Bug : (noun)
( 1 ) Small flat foul-smelling insect infesting dirty houses and beds
Outside our house is full of bugs.
( 2 ) Illness caused by a germ or infectious virus
He thinks he had caught a bug.
( 3 ) Obsessive interest
He was never interested in cooking before. But now he has been bitten by a bug.
( 4 ) Defect in a machine
There is a bug in the system.
( 5 ) Small hidden microphone placed so that conservations can be heard at a distance
He searched the rooms for bugs.
We planted a bug in the house of our rival.
Our intelligence services planted a bug in that foreign embassy.
Bug : (verb)
( 1 ) Fit a room, telephone, etc…with a hidden microphone for listening to conversations
This office is bugged.
( 2 ) Listen to conversations, etc… with a hidden microphone
Be careful with what you say…. may be our conversations are being bugged.
( 3 ) Annoy someone
Tell me what is bugging you.
That girl is really bugging me.