What is the difference between Barn and Burn?

What is the difference between Barn and Burn? :

Barn :

( 1 ) Simple building for storing hay or grain or any farm products

A farmer stores his crops in a barn.

( 2 ) Any unattractive large building

They live in that barn of a house.

Burn : (verb)

( 1 ) Destroy, damage, injure someone / something by fire, heat or acid.

The house was burnt to the ground.

All his belongings were burnt in the fire.

( 2 ) Make a hole or mark by burning.

The cigarette burnt a hold in the carpet.

( 3 ) Use something a fuel.

Do you burn coal as well as wood on this fire?

( 4 ) Be killed by fire.

Ten persons were burnt to death in the hotel fire.

( 5 ) Be able to catch fire easily.

Paper burns easily

( 6 ) Be full of strong emotions.

He was burning with rage.

( 7 ) Want to do something very much.

He was burning to avenge the death of his father.

Burn : (noun)

( 1 ) Injury or mark caused by fire or heat or acid

He died of the burns he received in the fire.

( 2 ) Small stream

We can not fish in the burn flowing behind the temple.

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