What is Vocabulary?

English Vocabulary Index

What is Vocabulary? defined on 4th June :

  1. Inobservant (adj.) : inattentive

  2. Inoculation (n) : impregnation of the mild form of a germ to protect against the disease

  3. Inoffensive (adj.) : unoffending

  4. Inopportune (adj.) : unoffending

  5. Inordinate (adj.) : excessive, immoderate

  6. Inpatient (n) : a patient who is lodged and receives treatment in a hospital

  7. Inquest (n) : inquiry to ascertain the fact

  8. Inquire (v): search, seek information

  9. Inquiry (n) : investigation

  10. Inquisitive (adj.) : curious to know

  11. Inroad (n) : raid, any illegal encroachment

  12. Insane (adj.) : mad, senseless

  13. Insanitary (adj.) : Injurious to health

  14. Insatiable (adj.) : not able to be satisfied, greedy

  15. Inscribe (v) : to write down, to engrave

  16. Inscription (n) : (writing engraved on monument, coin etc.,

  17. Inscrutable (adj.): unintelligible

  18. Insect (n) : a small invertebrate animal

  19. Insensible (adj.): unconscious, too small or gradual to be perceived

  20. Inseparable (adj.) : that cannot be separated

  21. Insert (v): put in, insertion

  22. Insert (v) : put it as an inset

  23. Inset (n) : an insertion, put it as an inset

  24. Inshore (adj.): close to the shore

  25. Inshore (n) : interiority

  26. Inshore (adj.) : interior

  27. Inshore (adv.) : in the interior of

  28. Inshore (prep) : in the interior of

  29. Insidious (adj.): cunning, doing harm secretly

  30. Insight (n) : knowledge, intuition

  31. Insignia (n) : distinguishing marks, badges

  32. Insignificant (adj.) :unimportant

  33. Insincere (adj.) : not sincere, hypocritical

  34. Insinuate (v) : to penetrate gradually, imply

  35. Insipid (adj.) : tasteless, dull, indifferent

  36. Insist (v) : to make repeated assertion, to demand emphatically

  37. Insolence (n) : arrogance, an insult

  38. Insolent (adj.) : arrogant

  39. Insoluble (adj.): that cannot be dissolved

  40. Insolvent (n) : bankrupt

  41. Insolvent (adj.) : unable to pay the debts

  42. Insomnia (n) : inability to sleep

  43. Insomuch (adv) : to such an extent

What is Vocabulary defined on 4th June :

English Vocabulary Index

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