Vocabulary Worksheets for 25th January

English Vocabulary Index

Vocabulary Worksheets for 25th January :

  1. Auxiliary (adj.) : helping, supplementary

  2. Auxiliary (n) : an additional verb

  3. Avail (v) : be of use or value

  4. Avail (n) : benefit, use

  5. Available (adj.) : within one’s reach, able to be made use of

  6. Avant-garde (n) : advanced body of an army, vanguard

  7. Avarice (n) : greed, eager, desire for gaining wealth

  8. Avaricious (adj.) : greedy, miserly, niggardly

  9. Avatar (n) : incarnation of God

  10. Avenge (v) : to punish in return for the wrong one has done

  11. Avenue (n) : any passage, a road bordered by houses or trees

  12. Aver (v) : confirm, declare to be true

  13. Average (n) : the mean values of a number of values

  14. Averse (adj.): not fond of

  15. Aversion (n) : dislike, hatred

  16. Avert (v) : to turn away, prevent

  17. Aviary (n) : a place for keeping birds

  18. Aviation (n): art of flying an aircraft

  19. Aviator (n) : an airman, pilot

  20. Avidity (n) : eagerness, greed, desire

  21. Avocation (n) : business, hobby

  22. Avoid (v) : try to escape, keep away from

  23. Avow (v) : admit, confess

  24. Avowed (adj.) : open

  25. Await (v) : wait or look for

  26. Awake (v) : rouse from sleep, become active

  27. Awaken (v) : rouse from sleep

  28. Awakening (n) : act of becoming aware

  29. Award (v) : adjudge

  30. Award (n) : prize

  31. Aware (adj. & prep) : informed

  32. Away (adv.) : onward, at a distance

  33. Awe (n) : reverential fear

  34. Awful (adj.) : inspiring awe

  35. Awfully (adv.) : in a dreadful or terrible manner, extremely, awfully bad

  36. Awhile (adv.) : for some time

  37. Awkward (adj.) : clumsy

  38. Awl (n) : a pointed instrument for boring small holes in leather

  39. Axe (n) : a tool for splitting, chopping wood, clever

  40. Axiom (n) : imaginary line on which a body rotates

  41. Axis (n) : imaginary line on which a body rotates

  42. Axle (n) : shaft, pivot

  43. Ayaye (adv.) : yes, ever, always

  44. Azure (adj.) : sky-coloured, sky-blue

Vocabulary Worksheets for 25th January :

English Vocabulary Index

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