Vocabulary Words and Sentences

English Vocabulary Index

Vocabulary Words and Sentences for 3rd June :

  1. Ingratiate (v) : bring oneself into favour with another in order to win an advantage

  2. Ingratitude (n) : ungratefulness

  3. Ingredient (n) : component of a mixture

  4. Ingress (n) : entry

  5. Inhabit (v) : to dwell in

  6. Inhabitant (n) : a person living in a place

  7. Inhale (v) : sniff

  8. Inherent (adj.) : intrinsic, inborn

  9. Inherit (v) : acquire by legal descent

  10. Inheritance (n) : inheriting that which is inherited

  11. Inhibit (v) : prohibit, forbid

  12. Inhospitable (adj.) : not affording food, shelter etc

  13. Inhuman (adj.) : cruel, brutal

  14. Inimical (adj.) : unfavourable

  15. Inimitable (adj.) : not able to be imitated

  16. Iniquity (n) : wrong, wickedness, gross injustice

  17. Initial (adj.) : first, beginning: (n) : first letter of a person’s name

  18. Initiate (v) : begin, originate

  19. Initiative (n) : a first move

  20. Inject (v) : to force into, insert

  21. Injudicious (adj.) : unwise, ill-judged

  22. Injunction (n) : authoritative order, prohibited by law

  23. Injure (v) : to worry, to hurt, to damage

  24. Injurious (adj.) : wrongful, hurtful, harmful

  25. Injury (n) : hurt, damage

  26. Injustice (n) : unfairness

  27. Ink (n) : a writing fluid

  28. Ink (v) : to spread ink upon, to mark with ink

  29. Inkling (n) : supposition, hint

  30. Inland (adj.) : remote from the sea, interior of a country

  31. Inlet (n) : small arm of sea, way to the inside

  32. Inmate (n) : one who lives in a place with others

  33. Inmost (adj.) : most inward, intimate

  34. Inn (n) : public house of travellers for lodging

  35. Innate (adj.) : inborn, inherent

  36. Inner (adj.) : natural in born

  37. Innings (n - plural) : play of one batsman during his turn

  38. Innocence (n) : sinlessness, guiltlessness

  39. Innocent (adj.) : sinless, guiltless, harmless

  40. Innocuous (adj.) : harmless

  41. Innovation (n) : alternation

  42. Innoxious (adj.): not hurtful

  43. Innumerable (adj.) : countless

Vocabulary Words and Sentences for 3rd June :

English Vocabulary Index

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