Vocabulary : Traders
This Vocabulary-Traders is a list, full of words related to the Traders.
• Tanner…One who converts raw hide into leather
• Cutler…One who makes or deals in cutting instruments, e.g. knives
• Scavenger….One who cleans the street
• Charwomen…A woman employed to clean inside a building
• Confectioner…One who sells sweets and pastries
• Crimp…One who entraps men to serve in the army
• Croupier…One who collects the bets and pays out to the winner in the gambling club
• Janitor…One who takes care of a building
• Poulterer…One who sells fowls, ducks, turkeys etc…
• Cashier…One who pays out money at a bank
• Teller… One who pays out money at a bank
• Upholsterer…One who makes and sells cushions and covers for motor-cars
• Usurer…One who lends money at an exorbitant rate
• Cartographer…One who draws maps
• Philatelist…One who collects postage stamps
• Conjuror…One who performs tricks by sleight of hands
• Prestidigitator… One who performs tricks by sleight of hands
• Juggler… One who performs tricks by sleight of hands
• Funambulist…One who walks on ropes
• Acrobat…One who performs daring gymnastic feats
• Grazier…One who pastures cattle for the market
• Huckster…One who travels from place to place selling miscellaneous articles
• Pedlar… One who travels from place to place selling miscellaneous articles
• Chapman… One who travels from place to place selling miscellaneous articles
• Hawker… One who travels from place to place selling miscellaneous articles
• Potter…One who makes pots, cups etc…
• Tinker…One who goes place to place mending pots
• Shoemaker…One who mends shoes
• Cobbler… One who mends shoes
• Colporteur…One who travels from place to place selling religious articles
• Peripatetic…A teacher who travels from place to place to give instructions
• Invigilator…One who watches over students taking an examination
• Curator…A person in charge of museum
• Almoner…A hospital welfare officer
• Librarian…The person in charge of library
• Principal…The head of a college
• Mayor…The head of a town council or corporation
• Pawnbroker…One who lends money and keeps goods as security
• Scrivener…One who draws up contracts and also lends money on interest
• Shipwright…One who builds ships
• Stevedore…One who loads and unloads ships
• Wheelwright…One who makes wheels for carriages and carts
• Auctioneer…One who sells articles at public sales
• Undertaker…A tradesman who manages funerals
• Veterinarian…One skilled in the treatment of diseases of animals
• Stenographer…One who writes shorthand
• Poet…One who writes poetry
• Novelist…One who writes novels
• Author…One who writes books
• Lexicographer…One who compiles a dictionary
• Stationer…One who sells paper, ink, pen and other writing materials
• Taxidermist…One who preserves the skin of the animals
• Ethnologist…One well versed in the science of human races
• Anthropologist…One who studies the evolution of mankind
• Psychologist…One who studies the working of the human-mind
• Chandler…One who makes and sells candles
• Plumassier…One who works or deals in feathers for apparel
• Bursar…The treasurer of a college or a university
• Purser…An officer in charge of the stores and accounts on a ship
This Vocabulary-Traders will help you improve your word-power. Please take down the words, from this Vocabulary-Traders, which will help you in your communications.
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