Vocabulary Strategies for 1st February

English Vocabulary Index

Vocabulary Strategies for 1st February :

  1. Beware (v) : take care, be cautious

  2. Bewilder (v) : perplex, confuse

  3. Bewitch (v) : affect by witchcraft, charm, enchant

  4. Bey (n) : a governor in Turkey

  5. Beyond (adv. & prep.) : on the farther side of

  6. Bias (n) : bent, motive, prejudice

  7. Bible (n) : the scared book of the Christians

  8. Bibliography (n) : description of books

  9. Bicycle (n) : a cycle with two wheels

  10. Bid (v) : command, order

  11. Bidding (n) : invitation, command, offer, bargaining

  12. Bide (v) : abide, wait for

  13. Biennial (adj.) : two yearly

  14. Bifurcate (adj.) : forked

  15. Bifurcate (v) : divide into two branches

  16. Big (adj) : large, great

  17. Bigamy (n) : having two wives or husbands at a time

  18. Bigwig (n) : a very important person

  19. Bile (n) : a liquid secreted by the liver

  20. Bilingual (adj.) : speaking of two languages

  21. Bilious (adj.) : affected by bile

  22. Bill (n) : an account of money, draft, law, cheque

  23. Billiards (n) : a game

  24. Billow (n) : a great wave of the sea

  25. Bin (n) : receptacle

  26. Bind (v) : tie, put the cover on a book

  27. Binding (n) : book cover, anything that binds

  28. Binnacle (n) : box on deck in which ship’s compass is kept

  29. Binoculars (adj.) : an optical device having two eyepieces

  30. Biography (n) : a written history of a person

  31. Biology (n) : the science of living things

  32. Biped (n) : a two-legged animal

  33. Bird (n) : a feathered animal, creature

  34. Birth (n) : being born, origin, beginning of anything

  35. Birthday (n) : the day on which one is born

  36. Birthright (n) : any claim or right to which one person is entitled by birth

  37. Biscuit (n) : a variety of small cake

  38. Bisect (v) : divide into two equal parts

  39. Bishop (n) : a priest of the Christian faith

  40. Bison (n) : a variety of wild buffalo

  41. Bit (n) : a small piece

  42. Bitch (n) : the female of a dog

  43. Bite (v) : seize and cut with teeth

  44. Bitter (adj.) : sour, sharp, harsh, cruel

  45. Black (adj.) : of dark colour

  46. Black (n) : dark colour

Vocabulary Strategies for 1st February :

English Vocabulary Index

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