Vocabulary Quiz

English Vocabulary Index

Vocabulary Quiz for 12th November :

  1. Swamp (n) : low ground wet with water

  2. Swan (n) : a large water fowl

  3. Swank (v) : to show off

  4. Sward (n) : lawn-like ground

  5. Swarm (n) : cluster of insects (escape of bees) any great number

  6. Swarthy (adj.) : tawny, dusky

  7. Swathe (v) : to bind in bandage

  8. Swathe (n) : bandage

  9. Sway (n) : ruling power, rule, a swing, swinging motion

  10. Sway (v) : swing, govern

  11. Swear (v) : say solemnly, take an oath, utter profane oath, curse

  12. Sweat (n) : perspiration

  13. Sweat (v) : toil hard

  14. Sweep (v) : pass rapidly over, carry along or off by force, clear off or away

  15. Sweep (n) : act of sweeping, range, one who cleans

  16. Sweeping (adj.) : rushing, carrying comprehensive

  17. Sweet (adj.) : having the taste of sugar or honey, gentle

  18. Sweeten (v) : make sweet

  19. Sweetheart (n) : mistress, a lover

  20. Sweetmeat (n) : confection

  21. Swelling (n) : a tumour

  22. Swelter (v) : to suffer from excessive heat

  23. Swelter (n) : unbearable, heat

  24. Swerve (v) : turn from any line, duty or custom

  25. Swift (adj.) : rapid, speedy, ready

  26. Swig (n) : a mouthful of a drink

  27. Swim (v) : to float at or below the surface of water

  28. Swim (n) : act of floating and moving on water

  29. Swindle (v) : cheat, defraud

  30. Swindle (n) : deception, fraud

  31. Swindler (n) : a cheat

  32. Swine (n-sing. & pl) : pig

  33. Swine-herd (n) : a keeper of swine

  34. Swing (v) : vibrate, brandish, sway, whirl

  35. Swipe (v) : to strike hard

  36. Swirl (v) : whirl, eddy, turn round and round

  37. Swish (v) : to cut the air with a sound, to flog

  38. Swollen (adj.) : swelled

  39. Swoon (v) : faint

  40. Swoon (n) : a faint

  41. Swoop (v) : sweep, plunge or dash down upon

  42. Sword (n) : a steel weapon with a long sharp blade

  43. Sycamore (n) : a kind of big-tree

  44. Syce (n) : a groom

  45. Sycophancy (n) : obsequious flattery

  46. Sycophant (n) : a fawning flatterer

  47. Syllable (n) : a word or part of a word forming a unit or pronunciation

  48. Syllabus (n) : outline of school lessons

Vocabulary Quiz for 12th November :

English Vocabulary Index

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