Vocabulary Practice

English Vocabulary Index

Vocabulary Practice for 25th November :

  1. Tornado (n) : whirlwind

  2. Torpid (adj.) : stiff, numb, dull inactive

  3. Torpor (n) : inactivity, numbness

  4. Torrent (n) : a stream with great speed

  5. Torrid (adj.) : parched, dried violently hot

  6. Tortoise (n) : an animal of the reptile family having a toothless back and soft body encased in a hard shell, a kind of turtle

  7. Tortuous (adj.) : winding, deceiving

  8. Torture (n) : one who torments

  9. Toss (v) : throw up in the air

  10. Tot (n) : a tiny child

  11. Total (adj.) : whole, complete

  12. Total (n) : the aggregate, the whole amount

  13. Total (v) : add

  14. Totally (adv.) : fully, wholly, entirely

  15. Totter (v) : shake, walk unsteadily

  16. Toucan (n) : a kind of bird

  17. Touch (v) : move in contact with, reach

  18. Touch (n) : act of touching, contact, trace

  19. Touchiness (n) : quality of being easily offended, irritability

  20. Touching (adj.) : arousing tender emotion

  21. Touching (prep) : concerning about

  22. Touch-me not (n) : a plant whose leaves close down when touched

  23. Touchstone (n) : stone used for testing purity of gold

  24. Touchy (adj.) : easily offended, irritable

  25. Tough (adj.) : firm, stiff, not easily broken, durable

  26. Tour (n) : a journey, an excursion

  27. Tour (v) : go round on as excursion

  28. Tournament (n) : a series of contests in sports, games, etc.

  29. Tourney (n) : take part in a tournament

  30. Tourniquet (n) : a device for stopping bleeding by compressing the artery

  31. Tow (v) : to pull

  32. Toward (prep.) : in the direction of

  33. Toward (adv.) : nearly, about

  34. Towel (n) : cloth used for drying one-self after bath or for drying dishes etc.

  35. Tower (n) : a tall slender part of a building

  36. Towering (adj.) : high and tall, great

  37. Town (n ) : a place larger than a village and smaller than a city, the inhabitants of a towns

  38. Towns folk (n & pl) : people of town

  39. Toxin (n) : a poison

  40. Trace (n) : a mark left behind, trace

  41. Traceable (adj.) : that may be traced and found out

  42. Trachea (n) : the air-passage from the throat to the lings, the windpipe

  43. Track (n) : a mark left by the passing of something, a road or path

  44. Tract (n) : a region or area, extent, of land, a short treatise escape, on religion

Vocabulary Practice for 25th November :

English Vocabulary Index

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