
Vocabulary-Miscellaneous is the list of words denoting Miscellaneous subjects.

Vocabulary-Miscellaneous will help you improve your word-power.

Take down the words which you find for the first time.

• Bilingual…One fluent in two languages

• Ephemeral…Lasting only for a day

• Verbatim…Word for word

• Petrify…To change to stone

• Pulverize…To reduce to powder

• Extravagant…Wasteful in spending

• Memorize…To learn by heart

• Incognito…Traveling under a name other than one’s own

• Malleable…Capable of being drawn out

• Ductile… Capable of being drawn out

• Miscellaneous…Consisting of several kinds

• Monopoly…The exclusive right to buy or sell a commodity

• Insolvent…Unable to pays one’s debts

• Layette…The outfit of a new born baby

• Fragile…that can be easily broken

• Dicerptible…Capable of being separated or torn asunder

• Imminent...Close at hand

• Mercenary…Serving for money

• Dipsomaniac…Irresistible craving for alcoholic drinks

• Gyneolatry…Excessive devotion to female sex

• Palisade…A fence of stakes or iron, etc…

• Sinecure…A job for which one is paid, but which one has few or no duties

• Codicil…An appendix to a will

• Orthography…Correct spelling

• Cacography…Bad spelling

• Queue…A line of people waiting for something

• Stile…Steps to enable one to get over a fence

• Amnesia…Loss of memory

• Aphonia…Loss of voice

• Aphony…Loss of voice

• Howdah…A seat on the back of an elephant

• Shunting…To turn a train on side track

• Effluent…The liquid which comes out from a sewerage tank

• Winnow…To separate the husk form the grain

• Stanchion…A bar or pair of bars for confining cattle in a stall

• Effigy…The likeness or representation of a person especially on coins or medals

• Waif…A forsaken or neglected child who has no home and spends most of its time on the streets

• Ferrule…An iron ring placed at the end of a staff to prevent it from splitting

• Carnivorous…Living on flesh

• Herbivorous…Living on grass and vegetables

• Graminivorous…Living on grass

• Piscivorous…Living on fish

• Omnivorous…Living on both animal flesh and grass

• Gavel…The chairman’s hammer

• Baton…A stick used by the music conductor or a policeman

• Yolk…the yellow part of an egg

• Albumen…the white part of an egg

• Chevron…The stripes on the sleeves of policemen in the services to denote their ranks

• Viaduct…A bridge carrying a road across a river or valley

• Alloy…A mixture of metals, especially when an inferior metal is mixed with one of richer metal

• Canopy…A rich-covering over the bed in a procession

• Careen…To lay ship on its side in order to clean it

• Nostalgia…Home-sickness or sentimental longings for the past

• Menu…The list of various items to be served at a meal

• Recipe…Directions for preparing certain dishes

• Casein…The part of milk from which cheese is made

• Versatile…Able to adapt oneself to many situations

• Jetsam…Goods thrown overboard in order to make a ship lighter

• Flotsam…Goods found floating after ship wreck

• Jamboree…A joyful gathering of youth groups

• Carillon…a set of bells so arranged that tunes of songs or hymns can be played on them

• Caricature…A picture of a person or thing drawn in such a highly exaggerated manner as to cause laughter

• Alias…A name taken on by a person but which is not his real name

• Mosaic…A picture produced by putting together small pieces of glass or marbles

• Strop…Leather for sharpening razors

• Valise…A leather traveling-bag carried in the hand

• Roster…A list showing the order in which certain persons have to perform their duties

• Pannier…One of pair of baskets slung over the back of a donkey

• Amulet…A thing worn by few people as a charm against evil

• Skeleton…The bony framework of the body

• Chassis…The framework of a car

• Awning…A covering of canvas, tarpaulin etc… to shade windows and the doors from the sun

• Embezzle…To put one’s use the money of another with which one is entrusted

• Parsimonious…To be over particular about spending of money

• Ullage…The space which for safety is left unfilled in a cask or vessel before it is sealed

• Niche…A hollow space in a wall for a statue

• Indemnify…To compensate for loss or damage

• Arraign…To bring a person before a court of law to answer a charge leveled against him

• Dock…An enclosure for prisoners in a courthouse

• Felloe…The whole rim (or one of the segments of the rim) of a wheel

Vocabulary-Miscellaneous is the list of words denoting Miscellaneous subjects.

Vocabulary-Miscellaneous will help you improve your word-power.

You can add more such words to this list Vocabulary-Miscellaneous.

Take down the words which you find for the first time.

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