
Vocabulary-Medicine is the list of words denoting Medicine.

This list Vocabulary-Medicine will improve your word-power.

Take down the words which you find for the first time.

• Epidemic…A disease affecting many persons at the same time and at the same place

• Pandemic…A disease widely epidemic

• Endemic…A disease confined to a particular district or a place

• Sporadic…A disease affecting widely scattered groups of people

• Antiseptic…A substance which destroys or weakens germs

• Cocaine…A substance used by a dentist to deaden the gum and nerve

• Chloroform…A substance used in surgery to produce unconsciousness

• Anesthetic…Ant medicine which produces insensibility

• Anodyne…A medicines which alleviates pain

• Cicatrices…The mark or scar left after the wound is healed

• Cicatrix… The mark or scar left after the wound is healed

• Toothpaste…The power or paste used to cleanse the teeth

• Dentifrice… The power or paste used to cleanse the teeth

• Antidote…A medicine to counteract poison

• Stethoscope…An instrument used by doctors for listening to the heart-beats

• Immune…Free or exempt from infection

• Isolate…To place apart to prevent from infecting others

• Narcotic…A medicine for producing sleep

• Opiate… A medicine for producing sleep

• Emetic…A medicine for causing vomiting

• Quarantine…Confinement to one place to avoid spreading infections

• Amputate…To cut off a part of person’s body which is infected

• Panacea…A cure for all diseases

• Convalescent…gradual recovery from illness

• Ambulance…A vehicle to carry sick people to the hospital

• Anemia…Want of blood

• Pulmonary…Affecting lungs

• Deodorant…a substance to keep down evil smells

• Diagnose…To be able to tell the nature of the disease by the symptoms

• Prognosis…A forecast of the result of a disease

• Fumigate…To disinfect by smoke

• Pathology…The science of the diseases of the human-body

• Culex…The mosquito which transmits filarial

• Anopheles… The mosquito which transmits malaria

• Stegomyia… The mosquito which transmits yellow fever

Vocabulary-Medicine is the list of words denoting Medicine.

This list 'Vocabulary-Medicine' will improve your word-power.

Take down the words which you find for the first time.

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