Vocabulary Lessons

English Vocabulary Index

Vocabulary Lessons for 22nd July :

  1. Notification (n) : notice (given), giving, intimation

  2. Notify ((v) : to make known

  3. Notion (n) : idea, thought

  4. Notoriety (n) : bad name, bad fame

  5. Notorious (adj.) : known to discredit

  6. Not with standing (conj) : although

  7. Not with standing (prep) : in spite of

  8. Not with standing (adj.) : nevertheless

  9. Nought (n) : nothing, zero

  10. Noun (n): the word used to denote the name of a person, place or thing

  11. Nourish (v): bring up, feed, cherish

  12. Nourishing (adj.) : nutritious

  13. Nourishment (n) : that which nourishes, the act of nourishing

  14. Novel (adj.) : new, strange, unusual

  15. Novel (n) : a long story

  16. Novelist (n) : one who writes a novel

  17. Novelty (n) : anything new or strange

  18. November (n) : the eleventh month of the English year

  19. Novice (n): a learner, beginner

  20. Now (adv): at the present time

  21. Nowadays (adv.) : at the present day or time

  22. Nowhere (adv.) : at or to no place

  23. Nowise (adv.) : in no way

  24. Noxious (adj.) : harmful, injurious

  25. Nozzle (n): mouth of an apparatus

  26. Nucleus (n) : the core, the central part about which matter collects

  27. Nude (adj.) : naked, bare, without any dress

  28. Nugatory (adj.) : worthless, not valid

  29. Nugget (n) : a lump of ore

  30. Nuisance (n) : annoyance, anything offensive

  31. Null (adj.) : of no value, of no force, null and void

  32. Nullify (adj.) : to make worthless or of no effect

  33. Numb (adj.): chilled, deadened

  34. Numb (v) : make feelingless

  35. Numeral (adj.) : pertaining to a figure

  36. Numeral (n) : a figure

  37. Numeration (n) : act of numbering

  38. Numerator (n): the upper number of a vulgar fraction, one who number

  39. Numerical (adj.): denoting number

  40. Numerous (adj.) : many, comprising many units

  41. Numismatist (n): one who collects and studies coins

  42. Numskull (n) : a stupid fellow

  43. Nun (n) : woman in convent

  44. Nunnery (n) : a convent for nuns

  45. Nuptials (n) : marriage, wedding

  46. Nurse (n) : a female attendant

Vocabulary Lessons for 22nd July :

English Vocabulary Index

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