Vocabulary Lesson Plan for 16th January

English Vocabulary Index

Vocabulary Lesson Plan for 16th January :

  1. Anathematize (v) : curse

  2. Ancestor (n) : one from whom a person is descended forefather

  3. Ancestral (adj) : belonging to or coming from one’s ancestors

  4. Ancestry (n) : line of birth

  5. Anchor (v) : fix by anchor, cast anchor, secure firmly

  6. Anchorage (n) : a place where ships may stay at anchor, anchorage ground, thing to be trusted or depended upon

  7. Anchoret (n) : a hermit of the male order

  8. Anchorite (n) : a hermit of the male order

  9. Ancient (adj) : belonging to time past, antique, old

  10. Ancients (n) : those who lived long ago

  11. Ancillary (adj) : subordinate, subsidiary, auxiliary

  12. And (conj) : a word that connects words, clauses and sentences

  13. Androgen (n) : substance that promotes masculinity

  14. Anear (adv & prep) : near, close by

  15. Anecdote (n) : narrative of detached incidents, a short story

  16. Anemometer (n) : instrument to measure force of wind

  17. Anent (prep.) : in regard to, concerning, about

  18. Anew (adv) : afresh, again

  19. Angel (n) : a divine messenger, angel fish

  20. Angelica (n) : a sweet smelling plant with an umbrella-like flower

  21. Angelic (adj) : like an angel, of superhuman qualities

  22. Angelical (adj) : like an angel, of superhuman qualities

  23. Anger (n) : rage, violent displeasure, wrath

  24. Anger (v) : enrage, make angry

  25. Angle (n) : space between two straight lines or planes that meet each other, corner, acute angle; right angle

  26. Angle (n) : fish-hook

  27. Angle (v) : fish with line and hook

  28. Anglicize (v) : make English in nature

  29. Anglo (prefix) : English

  30. Angry (adj) : wrathful, enraged, resentful

  31. Angry (adv) : angrily

  32. Anguish (n) : severe pain of body or mind

  33. Angular (adj) : having angles

  34. Animadvert (v) : to criticise, blame

  35. Anicut (n) : a dam regulating water for irrigation

  36. Annicut (n) : a dam regulating water for irrigation

  37. Anigh (adv) : near

  38. Animal (n) : a beast

  39. Animate (v) : to give life to, actuate

  40. Animate (adj) : living

  41. Animosity (n) : bitter hatred, enmity

  42. Animus (n) : strong feeling against

  43. Animus (n) : a kind of plant with aromatic seeds

  44. Ankle (n) : the joint connecting the foot and leg

  45. Annals (n) : history told year by year

Vocabulary Lesson Plan for 16th January :

English Vocabulary Index

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