Vocabulary Lesson

English Vocabulary Index

Vocabulary Lesson for 19th July :

  1. Nephew (n) : the son of brother or sister; (fem) : niece

  2. Nepotism (n) : undue favour shown to one’s relative

  3. Neptune (n) : the god of sea, a planet

  4. Nervous (adj.) : easily agitated or frightened, pertaining to the nerves

  5. Nervousness (n) : fear

  6. Nest (n) : place for birds to lay eggs and shelter young ones

  7. Nest (v) : to build a best and live in

  8. Nestle (v) : hug, lie close and cherish, make and settle in a nest

  9. Nestling (n): a very young bird unable to fly out of the nest

  10. Net (n) : a meshed fabric of twine, chord, hair, etc., a contrivance

  11. Net (v) : catch in a net

  12. Net (adj.) : free of deduction

  13. Nether (adj.) : lying beneath, lower

  14. Nethermost (adj.) : lowest

  15. Nettle (n) : a plant covered with stinging hairs

  16. Network (n) : work formed like a net

  17. Neural (adj.) : pertaining to the nerves

  18. Neurotic (adj.) : affecting nervous system

  19. Neurotic (n) : one who has bad nerves

  20. Neuter (adj.) : belonging to neither sex

  21. Neutral (adj.) : of neither party

  22. Neutral (n) : one occupying a neutral position

  23. Neutrality (n): condition of not taking sides

  24. Never (adj.): not ever, at no time

  25. Nevertheless (adv) : not with standing that

  26. New (adj.): recently made, fresh, not seen or known before

  27. News (n - singular) : tidings, break the news

  28. News-boy (n) : a boy who sells newspapers

  29. Newspaper (n) : paper containing news

  30. Next (adj.) : adjoining

  31. Next (adv.) : after a happening

  32. Next (n) : next person or thing

  33. Nib (n): a pen point

  34. Nibble (v) : gnaw bit by bit

  35. Nibble (n) : small bits, an act of biting in bits

  36. Nice (adj.): precise, exact, pleasing, fine

  37. Nicety (n) : minute different

  38. Niche (n) : a recess or hollow in the wall

  39. Nick (n) : notch; cut, having sloping edges like critical time

  40. Nickel (n) : a white silver-like metal

  41. Nick-knacks (n) : trifles

  42. Nickname (n) : a name given in fun or scorn

  43. Nicotine (n) : a poisonous juice in tobacco

Vocabulary Lesson for 19th July :

English Vocabulary Index

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