Vocabulary Knowledge

English Vocabulary Index

Vocabulary Knowledge for 23rd November :

  1. Tin man (n) : a tin-smith

  2. Tinsel (n) : anything showy but of little value, a shining metal foil

  3. Tint (n) : a faint colour

  4. Tin ware (n) : pots, pans, etc, made of tin or tinned iron

  5. Tiny (adj.) : very very small

  6. Tipple (v) : to be fond of taking strong drink

  7. Tipsy (adj.) : not steady, partially intoxicated

  8. Tiptoe (adj.) : first, rate, Excellent

  9. Tirade (n) : a long violent censure or reproof

  10. Tire (v) : vex, become weary

  11. Tire (n) : tyre

  12. Tired (adj.) : fatigue

  13. Tiresome (adj.) : fatiguing, tedious

  14. Tiro (n) : a beginner in learning something

  15. Tyro (n) : a beginner in learning something

  16. Tissue (n) : any fine woven fabric, a constituent of an animal or plant body, net-work

  17. Tit (n) : a kind of small bird

  18. Titanic (adj.) : immense (size or strength)

  19. Titbit (n) : an attractive bit of news, food, etc.

  20. Tithe (n) : a tenth part, any in (de) finitely small part

  21. Title (n) : a name, word used to show the rank, office, etc, of a person, ownership or right

  22. Titled (adj.) : having a title

  23. Title deed (n) :document proving a right etc.

  24. Title- page (n) : document proving a right etc.

  25. Titter (v) : to giggle

  26. Tittle-tattle (v) : gossip, chatter

  27. To (prep.) : in the direction of in order to, as far as, to an fro

  28. Toad (n) : a kind of frog

  29. Toady (n) : flatterer (for gain)

  30. Toady (v) : flatter

  31. Tobacco (n) : a narcotic plant, its leaves

  32. Today (n) : the present day

  33. Today (adv.) : on the present day

  34. Toddle (v) : walk with short feeble steps as a child

  35. Toddler (n) : a baby learning to walk

  36. Toddy (n) : the fermented juice of various palms

  37. Toe (n) : one of the part at the end of the foot

  38. Toffee (n) : hard sweet made from sugar, fat etc.

  39. Together (adv.) : one with another, in company, also

  40. Togs (n & pl) : clothes

  41. Toil (n) : to work hard continuously

  42. Toil (n) : a hard work

  43. Toilet (n) : dressing room, bath room or urinal

  44. Toiler (n) : a person who toils

  45. Toils (n & pl) : nets, troubles

  46. Toilsome (adj.) : wearisome, laborious

  47. Token (n) : a sign, memento

Vocabulary Knowledge for 23rd November :

English Vocabulary Index

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