Vocabulary Dictionary

English Vocabulary Index

Vocabulary Dictionary for 28th May :

  1. Inaccurate (adj.) : not exact, wrong

  2. Inaction (n) : idleness

  3. Inactive (adj.) : idle, not working

  4. Inactivity (n) : idleness, want of activity

  5. Inadequate (adj.) : insufficient, imperfect, defective

  6. Inadmissible (adj.) : that cannot be allowed, unfit

  7. Inadvertence (n) : want of care

  8. Inadvisable (adj.) : not advisable

  9. Inalienable (adj.) : not transferable

  10. Inane (adj.) : foolish

  11. Inanimate (adj.) : without organic life

  12. Inanition (n) : emptiness, exhaustion from lack of food

  13. Inapplicable (adj.) : not suitable, inappropriate

  14. Inappreciable (adj.) : that cannot be appreciated

  15. Inapproachable (adj.) : difficult to meet or reach

  16. Inappropriate (adj.) : unsuitable, unfitting

  17. Inapt (adj.) : unskilled, not bearing on the subject

  18. Inartistic (adj.) : unskilled, not following the principles of art

  19. Inarticulate (adj.) : unable to speak clearly, not distinct

  20. In as much as (adv) : since, because, seeing that

  21. Inattention (n) : heedlessness

  22. Inaudible (adj.) : not loud enough, to be heard

  23. Inaugural (adj.) : pertaining to an opening ceremony

  24. Inaugurate (v) : to make a beginning formally

  25. Inauspicious (adj.) : unlucky, unfavourable

  26. Inborn (adj.) : innate, implanted by nature

  27. Incalculable (adj.) : uncertain, not foreseeable, that cannot be counted or measured

  28. Incandescent (adj.) : glowing with heat

  29. Incantation (n) : enchantment, any magic

  30. Incapable (adj.) : incompetent, disqualified

  31. Incapacitate (v) : make unfit, to disqualify

  32. Incapacity (n) : incapability

  33. Incarceration (n) : confinement

  34. Incarnation (n) : embodiment of idea, quality, principle etc., in concrete from, personification

  35. Incendiarism (n) : the crime of setting fire to property

  36. Incense (n) : fragrant smoke from burning aromatic herbs, spices etc

  37. Incentive (adj.) : stimulating, encouraging

  38. Inception (n) : beginning, initial period

  39. Incessant (adj.) : continued or repeated without a pause

Vocabulary Dictionary for 28th May :

English Vocabulary Index

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