Vocabulary Comprehension for 23rd January

English Vocabulary Index

Vocabulary Comprehension for 23rd January :

  1. Asthma (n) : a disease of the lungs

  2. Astir (adj. & adv.) : in motion, active

  3. Astonish (v) : amaze, to surprise

  4. Astonishing (adj) : very surprising, amazing

  5. Astonishment (n) : wonder, amazement

  6. Astound (v) : astonish

  7. Astral (adv.) : consisting of stars

  8. Astray (adv.) : away from the right path

  9. Astride (adv.) : with the legs apart, with legs on each side

  10. Astringent (n) : a medicine

  11. Astringent (adj.) : binding, compressing

  12. Astrologer (n) : one versed in astrology, fortune-teller

  13. Astrology (n) : the study which deals with the effect of heavenly bodies on human affairs

  14. Astronomer (n) : one versed in astronomy

  15. Astronomy (n) : the science of heavenly bodies

  16. Astute (adj) : shrewd, clever, crafty, cunning

  17. Astute (n) : astuteness

  18. Asunder (adv) : apart, into parts

  19. Asylum (n) : shelter, a retreat

  20. At (prep) : in, on, towards

  21. Ate (v) : past tense of ‘eat’

  22. Atheism (n) : disbelief in god’s existence

  23. Athenaeum (n) : literary society or scientific club

  24. Athlete (n) : one who is skilled in bodily exercises

  25. Athletics (n) : sports, games

  26. Athwart (pre & adv) : across, from side to side

  27. Atlas (n) : a book of maps

  28. Atmosphere (n) : the air surrounding the earth

  29. Atoll (n) : a coral island or reef

  30. Atom (n) : the tiniest possible part of any substance

  31. Atone (v) : reconcile, compensate

  32. Atrocious (adj) : cruel or wicked

  33. Atrocity (n) : cruelty

  34. Attach (v) : connect, affix

  35. Attachment (n) : something joined, affection

  36. Attack (v) : assault, affect

  37. Attack (n) : assault

  38. Attain (v) : obtain, gain, reach

  39. Attain (adj.) : attainable

  40. Attainder (n) : the loss of all civil rights of person (for capital offence)

  41. Attainments (n) : knowledge, acquirements

  42. Attempt (v) : try

  43. Attempt (n) : endeavour, trial

  44. Attend (v) : to accompany, to listen, to wait on, to be present at

  45. Attendance (n) : the persons present, attention

Vocabulary Comprehension for 23rd January :

English Vocabulary Index

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