Vocabulary : Characters

Vocabulary : Characters is the list of words denoting Characters.

You can add more such words to this list of Vocabulary-Characters.

Take down the words which you find for the first time.

• Optimist…One who looks on the bright side of things

• Pessimist… One who looks on the dark side of things

• Philanthropist…One who devotes his services for the love of mankind

• Misanthrope…A hater of mankind

• Misanthropist… A hater of mankind

• Minion…One who becomes the favorite of a distinguished person and serves him

• Cynic…One who sneers at the believes of his fellow men

• Somnambulist…One who walks in his sleep

• Somniloquist…One who talks in his sleep

• Ventriloquist…One who has the art of speaking in such a way that the sounds seem to come from another person

• Egoist…One who delights to speak about himself

• Altruist…One who devotes his life for the welfare and interests of other people

• Fugitive…One who runs away from justice

• Refugee…One who takes refuge in a foreign country

• Alien… One who takes refuge in a foreign country

• Exile…One who is banished from his country

• Incendiary…One who maliciously set fires to building

• Kleptomaniac…One who has irresistible tendency to steal

• Bibilioklept…One who steals books

• Iconoclast…One who breaks images and church ornaments

• Martyr…One who dies for a noble cause

• Recluse…One who retires from society to live a solitary life

• Hermit… One who retires from society to live a solitary life

• Volunteer…One who offers his services of his own free will

• Conscript…One who is compelled by law to serve as a soldier

• Recruit…A soldier or a sailor newly enlisted

• Novice…One new to anything

• Tyro… One new to anything

• Neophyte… One new to anything

• Zoophilist…A lover of animals

• Amateur…One who engages in any pursuit for the love of it and not for any gain

• Fruitarian…One who feeds on fruits

• Vegetarian…One who eats only vegetable-foods

• Cannibals…One who feeds on human flesh

• Itinerant…One who journeys from place to place

• Pedestrian…One who journeys on foot

• Pilgrim…One who journeys to a holy place

• Mendicant…One who goes from placer to place begging alms

• Beggar… One who goes from placer to place begging alms

• Demagogue…A leader of people who can sway his followers by his oratory

• Sophist…One who’s reasoning is clever but false

• Pedant…One who makes a display of his learning

• Connoisseur…One who special skills on judging arts, music etc…

• Raconteur…An expert at story telling

• Eavesdropper…One who listens to the conversations of others

• Patriot…One who loves his country and serves it

• Prophet…One who foretells events

• Epicure…One devoted to pleasures of eating and drinking

• Sybarite…One given up to luxurious living

• Voluptuary…One given up to sensual pleasures and bodily enjoyment

• Hypocrite…One who pretends to be what he is not

• Imposter… One who pretends to be what he is not

• Mountebank…One who pretends to know about everything

• Charlatan… One who pretends to know about everything

• Quack… One who pretends to know about everything

• Mimic…One who imitates the voice and gestures of others

• Interpreter…One who translates the speaking of others

• Linguist…One who knows many languages

• Ambidexter…One who can use both his hands

• Host…One who entertains others

• Hostess… One who entertains others

• Chaperon…One who accompanies a young lady to the public places

• Protégé…One who is under the protection of others

• Ward… One who is under the protection of others

• Prospector…one who searches for minerals and mining sites

• Courier…A messenger sent in great haste

• Coxswain…One who steers a boat

• Contortionist…An acrobat who bends his body into various shapes

• Misogamist…A hater of marriage

• Misogynist…A hater of women

• Valetudinarian…A man who is over anxious about his health

• Heckler…One who worries a candidate for an election by awkward questions

• Canvasser…One who tries to get votes for the election-candidate

• Orthoepist…An authority on pronunciation

• Ingrate…An unthankful person

• Emissary…One sent out on a mission

• Antiquary…A person who collects things belonging to the ancient times

• Numismatist…One who collects coins

• Predecessor…One who has been before in office

• Successor…One who takes over an office after another person

• Assassin…One who kills political persons

• Accomplice…A partner in a crime

• Coadjutor…One who works along with another person

• Contemporary…One who is living at the same time as another

• Obscurant…One who is opposed to intellectual progress

• Pantophagist…One who eats all kinds of foods

• Dipsomaniac…One who has irresistible desire for alcoholic drinks

• Alcoholic… One who has irresistible desire for alcoholic drinks

• Teetotaler… One who has irresistible desire for alcoholic drinks
Vocabulary : Characters is the list of words denoting Characters.

You can add more such words to this list of Vocabulary-Characters.

Vocabulary-Characters will help you improve your word-power.

Take down the words which you find for the first time.

Go to the Vocabulary Index Page


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