Vocabulary Centers
English Vocabulary Index
Vocabulary Centers for 29th May :
Inch (n) : one-twelfth of a foot
Incidence (n) : manner of falling, occurrence
Incident (n) : any event
Incident (adj.) : liable to happen, failing on
Incidental (adj.) : casual
Incipient (adj.) : initial
Incision (n) : a cut
Incisor (n) : cutting tooth in man
Incite (v) : to stir up, excite, stimulate
Incitement (n) : stimulus
Incivility (n) : discourtesy, a rude act
Inclement (adj.) : harsh, rigorous as weather
Inclination (n) : a slope, a bent
Incline (v) : to have a tendency to bend, slant
Inclined (adj.) : sloping, bend out of line, disposed
Include (v) : comprise, to count in
Inclusive (adj.) : counting all in
Incog (adv) : under an assumed name, without being known
Incognito (adv) : under an assumed name, without being known
Incoherent (adj.) : incongruous, unconnected
Incombustible (adj.) : incapable of burning, or of being burned
Income (n) : money periodically received as salary, rent profit, etc.,
Incoming (adj.) : coming in or back., succeeding
Incommunicative (adj.) : reserved, not communicative
Incomparable (adj.) : unsuitable for comparison, matchless
Incompatible (adj.) : dissimilar, not in agreement
Incompetent (adj.) : unfit, not legally qualified
Incomplete (adj.) : not finished
Incomprehensible (adj.) : not understandable
Inconceivable (adj.) : that cannot be imagined
Inconceivable (adj.) : not decided, ineffective
Incongruous (adj.) : not harmonious, unsuitable
Inconsequent (adj.) : not according to sequence, irrelevant
Inconsiderable (adj.) : unimportant, petty
Inconsiderate (adj.) : thoughtless, showing lack of consideration
Inconsistency (n) : lack of uniformity in thought or conduct
Inconsistent (adj.) : variable not agreeing with, not uniform
Inconsolable (adj.) : that cannot be appeased, broken hearted
Inconspicuous (adj.) : not prominent
Inconstant (adj.) : variable
Incontestable (adj.) : indisputable, unquestionable, certain
Vocabulary Centers for 29th May :
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