Vocabulary Builder

English Vocabulary Index

Vocabulary Builder for 18th July :

  1. Neatly (adv) : in a clean manner, tidily

  2. Neatness (n) : niceness, tidiness

  3. Nebula (n) : a glazy cloud, a film formed in cornea causing defective sight, star cluster

  4. Nebulizer (n) : instrument used to blow out liquid in a fine cloud

  5. Nebulous (adj.) : not clear ; uncertain, formless

  6. Necessary (adj.): needful, inevitable

  7. Necessitate (v) : make necessary, compel, to do

  8. Necessity (n): need, unavoidableness

  9. Neck (n) : the connecting link between the head and body, anything like the neck

  10. Necklace (n) : a string of precious stones etc., worn round the neck

  11. Neckromancer (n): a wizard, a sorcerer

  12. Necropolis (n) : a cemetery

  13. Nectar (n) : the drink of gods, honey

  14. Nectarine (n) : a kind of peach

  15. Nee (adj.) : born

  16. Need (n) : want, requirement, poverty

  17. Need (v) : require, want

  18. Needful (adj.): essential, necessary

  19. Needle (n) : a sharp headless pin with an eye for the thread

  20. Needless (adj.): not necessary

  21. Needs (n) : wants

  22. Needs (adv.) : out of necessity

  23. Needy (adj.): poor

  24. Needy (n) : those in poverty

  25. Neem (n) : Margosa

  26. Nefarious (adj.) : very wicked, sinful

  27. Negation (n): denying

  28. Neglect (v) : disregard

  29. Neglect (n) : carelessness

  30. Negligence (n) : carelessness

  31. Negligent (adj.) : careless

  32. Negligible (adj.) : insignificant, very small

  33. Negotiable (adj.): transferable, capable of being negotiated

  34. Negotiate (v): settle with another in regard to sale or purchase, cash, talk in order to bring about an agreement

  35. Negress (n): a female Negro

  36. Negro (n) : a native of Africa ; (fem) : Negress

  37. Neight (n) : the cry of a horse

  38. Neight (v): utter the cry of a horse

  39. Neighbour (n) : one who lives next door or near

  40. Neighbourhood (n) : vicinity, nearness

  41. Neighbouring (adj.): situated close by

  42. Neighbourly (adj.): social, friendly

  43. Neither (conj.) : and not, not yet

  44. Neither (prop.) : not one of two, not either

  45. Neither (adj.) : not either

  46. Nemesis (n) : retribution, the result of one’s past wrong actions

Vocabulary Builder for 18th July :

English Vocabulary Index

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