Vocabulary Books

English Vocabulary Index

Vocabulary Books for 31st May :

  1. Indestructible (adj.) : unable to be destroyed

  2. Index (n) : alphabetical list, arrangement, sign, pointer

  3. Indesfinger (n) : the forefinger

  4. Indiaman (n) : a native of India, a sailing ship used in trade in India

  5. India rubber (n) : a piece of rubber used for erasing

  6. Indicate (v) : to point out, manifest to mean

  7. Indication (n) : act of indicating

  8. Indices (n) : plural of index

  9. Indict (v) : to accuse or charge

  10. Indictable (adj.) : criminal

  11. Indictment (n) : a charge sheet

  12. Indifference (n) : unconcern, lack of interest

  13. Indifferent (adj.) : impartial, having no interest

  14. Indigence (n) : poverty

  15. Indigenous (adj.) : belonging to a country

  16. Indigent (adj.) : poor, insufficient

  17. Indigestion (n) : difficulty in digesting food

  18. Indignant (adj.) : angry with contempt

  19. Indignity (n) : insult

  20. Indigo (n) : a dark blue dye

  21. Indirect (adj.) : not straight, round about

  22. Indiscipline (n) : want of discipline

  23. Indiscreet (adj.) : neglectful, foolish, thoughtless

  24. Indiscretion (n) : saying or acting foolishly, thoughtlessness

  25. Indiscriminately (adv) : without distinction

  26. Indispensable (adj.) : necessary, cannot be set aside

  27. Indisposed (adj.) : disinclined, sick

  28. Indisposition (n) : slight illness, unwillingness

  29. Indisputable (adj.) : that cannot be denied

  30. Indistinct (n) : vague, dim

  31. Indite (v) : to compose, put into words

  32. Individual (n) : single human being

  33. Individual (adj.) : special, single

  34. Individuality (n) : unity, separate existence, individual character

  35. Indivisible (adj.) : that cannot be divided

  36. Indolent (adj.) : inactive, lazy

  37. Indomitable (adj.) : unyielding, tireless

  38. Indoor (adj.) : being within a building

  39. Indubitable (adj.) : that cannot be doubted

  40. Induce (v) : motivate, to bring on, give rise to

  41. Induct (v) : install with ceremony, install formally into a official, position

  42. Indulge (v) : allow, give way to gratify

Vocabulary Books for 31st May :

English Vocabulary Index

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