Vocabulary : Arts

Vocabulary-Arts is the list of words denoting Arts.

This list Vocabulary-Arts will improve your word-power.

Take down the words which you find for the first time.

• Polytechnic…An institution for the education in the Arts and Sciences

• Astronomy…The study of all heavenly bodies and the earth in relation to them

• Agriculture…The art of tilling the soil

• Horticulture…The art of cultivating and managing gardens

• Agronomics…The Science of land management

• Genealogy…The science of family descent

• Archaeology…The study of ancient building and prehistoric remains

• Paleography…The study of ancient writings

• Calligraphy…The art of beautiful hand-writing

• Metallurgy…The art of metal working

• Numismatics…The study of coins

• Mathematics…The study of numbers

• Surveying…The art of measuring lands

• Trigonometry…The science of triangles

• Taxidermy…The art of preserving skins

• Pyrotechnics…The art of making fire-works

• Chromatics…The science of colors

• Rhetoric…The art of elegant speech and writing

• Elocution…The art of effective speaking

• Astrology…The art of telling the future by the study of the stars

• Anthropology…The study of mankind

• Ethnology…The science which deals with the varieties of human-kinds

• Anatomy…The science of the structure of the human-body

• Physiology…The science which deals with the way in which the human-body works

• Technology…The scientific study of industrial arts

• Psychology…The study of the human-mind

• Physiognomy…The study of human face

• Biology…The study of living matter

• Botany…The study of plants

• Zoology…The study of animals

• Geology…The study of rocks and soils

• Ornithology…The study of birds

• Oology…The study of eggs

• Orology…The study of mountains

• Philology…The study of languages

• Etymology…The study of origin and history of words

• Astronomy…The study of stars

• Limnology…The study of lakes

Vocabulary-Arts is the list of words denoting Arts.

Take down the words which you find for the first time.

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