Vocabulary Activities

English Vocabulary Index

Vocabulary Activities for 7th November :

  1. Suave (adj.) : bland, pleasant, agreeable

  2. Suavity (n) : agreeableness, pleasantness

  3. Subdivide (v) : divide into further divisions

  4. Subdue (v) : subjugate, over power

  5. Subeditor (n) : one who assists the editor of a paper

  6. Subjection (n): subordination, dependence, slavery

  7. Subjoin (v) : to add to the end, attach

  8. Subjugate (n) : subjugation

  9. Subjugate (v) : subdue, conquer

  10. Sublime (adj.) : grand, high, lofty

  11. Sublimity (n) : grandeur, excellence, nobleness

  12. Submarine (n): a boat or ship that can be propelled under water

  13. Submerge (v) : plunge or immerse under water drown

  14. Submission (n) : humble behaviour yielding, obedience, a respectful say

  15. Submissive (adj.) : humble, obedient, meek

  16. Submit (v) : surrender, give way, yield, say politely

  17. Subscription (n) : an amount subscribed, subscribing

  18. Subsequent (adj.) : following as a result

  19. Sub serve (v) : to serve as a subordinate

  20. Subservient (adj.) : useful as a means to promote an aim, obedient, submissive

  21. Subside (v) : settle down, abate, dry

  22. Subsidiary (adj.) : aiding, helping

  23. Subsidize (v) : furnish allowance, purchase the aid of

  24. Subsidy (n) : money granted, tax or tribute

  25. Subsist (v) : exist

  26. Subsistence (n) : livelihood, means of supporting life

  27. Subsoil (n) : layer of earth just below the surface

  28. Substance (n) : matter, the essential or important part of anything

  29. Substantial (v) : solid, strong, considerable, real

  30. Substantiate (v) : give facts to support

  31. Substantive (adj.) : real, independent, solid

  32. Substantive (n): a noun (in grammar)

  33. Substitute (v) : put in the place of another

  34. Subterfuge (n): trick, evasion

  35. Subterranean (adj.) : under the earth, underground

  36. Subtle (adj.) : fine, thin, minute, keen, cunning or artful

  37. Subtlety (n): ingenuity, fineness, intellect, nicety

  38. Subtract (v) : withdraw, part, deduct

  39. Suburb (n) : outlying residential district of a town or city

  40. Subvention (n) : subsidy, grant of money in aid

Vocabulary Activities for 7th November :

English Vocabulary Index

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