This ROOT-WORD is the Prefix UN which means NOT.It is one of the negative-root- words that you will meet. It is a very satisfactory negative. It is a very satisfactory negative. It says NO: and it means just that and nothing else.
1. unable- UN able (un ay’ b’l) adj.
Not having the skill to do something.
2. unabridged- UN abridged (un a brijd’) adj.
Not shortened.
3. unclothed- UN clothed (un klothd’) adj.
Not dressed; maked.
4. unadvanced- UN advanced (un ad vansd’) adj.
Not having gone forward.
5. unalloyed- UN alloyed (un a loid’) adj.
Not mixed; pure.
6. unadorned- UN adorned (un a dornd’) adj.
Not fancy; simple.
7. unambitious- UN ambitious (un am bish’ us) adj.
Not eager to get ahead.
8. unaffected- UN affected (un a fek’ ted) adj.
Not touched; unconcerned.
9. unaltered- UN altered (un al’ terd) adj.
Not changed.
10. uneducated- UN educated (un ed’ yu kate ed) adj.
Not learned.
11. unfinished- UN finished (un fin’ ishd) adj.
Not ended, as an unfinished story.
12. unhurried- UN hurried (un hur’ eed) adj.
Not in a rush; slow.
13. unknown- UN known (un none’) adj.
Not recognized; strange.
14. unloved- UN loved (un luvd’) adj.
Not cherished.
15. unread- UN read (un red’) adj.
Not read.
16. unspoken- UN spoken (un spoe’ ken) adj.
Not stated orally; not said.
17. untouched- UN touched (un touchd’) adj.
Not touched.
18. untouchable- UN touchable (un touch’ a b’l) adj.
Cannot be touched.
19. unwelcome- UN welcome (un wel’ kum) adj.
Not received graciously; unwanted.
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