Typical Errors

Typical Errors and Corrections are:

Here the FIRST SENTENCE in each pair is a WRONG sentence whereas the SECOND SENTENCE is the CORRECT one.

This large goat is only living in the mountains of Switzerland.

This large goat only lives in the mountains of Switzerland.

I am calling to thanks you for the present you sent.

I call to thank you for the present you sent.

John is resembling his older sister.

John resembles his older sister.

The rise in demand for timber destroys large area of rainforest.

The rise in demand for timber is destroying large area of rainforest.

I work at the University for over ten years now.

I have worked at the University for over ten years now.

When have you got there?

When did you get there?

Have you ever read a book ‘Waiting for Anaya’? Who has written it?

Have you ever read a book ‘Waiting for Anaya’? Who wrote it?

Charles is a gifted footballer, but up to now he did not play well in international matches.

Charles is a gifted footballer, but up to now he has not played well in international matches.

We have seen Jean in the town the other day.

We saw Jean in the town the other day.

Have you ever been to opera when you lived in Milan?

Did you ever go to opera when you lived in Milan?

I was meeting a lot of interesting people while I was working in Norway.

I met a lot of interesting people while I was working in Norway.

Being in large crowds always was making her feel nervous.

Being in large crowds always made her feel nervous.

How long are wearing glasses?

How long have been wearing glasses?

We have been staying with jean until last weekend.

We were staying with Jean until last weekend.

That is twice I have been forgetting to bring my diary to work this week.

That is twice I have forgotten to bring my diary to work this week.

I have never been listening to any of Saguaro’s music before.

I have never listened to any of Saguaro’s music before.

The new bridge had been opened six months ago.

The new bridge was opened six months ago.

He just heard the news and was rushing home to tell his family.

He had just heard the news and was rushing home to tell his family.

When I saw the vase, I knew it was exactly what I had looked for.

When I saw the vase, I knew it was exactly what I had been looking for.

I had been knowing Helen for a number of years.

I had known Helen for a number of years.

When I grow up, I will be an astronaut.

When I grow up, I am going to be an astronaut.

Jean shall not be able to join us after all.

Jean will not be able to join us after all.

Take you umbrella. It will rain.

Take your umbrella. It is going to rain.

The world’s supply of oil is soon running out.

The world’s supply of oil will run out.

Put your coat on before you will go out.

Put your coat before you go out.

I promise I call you as soon I get home.

I promise I will call you as soon as I get home.

I won’t be able to meet you next week. I will stay in London for few days.

I won’t be able to meet you next week. I will be staying in London for few days.

Can I borrow your camera? I will be giving it back to you tomorrow.

Can I borrow your camera? I will give it back to you tomorrow.

The army needs to change its image if more women will be recruited.

The army needs to change its image if more women are to be recruited.

There is no point asking John for a lift. He will leave by now.

There is no point asking John for a lift. He will have left by now.

The last time I met Clinton, he is getting on a train to go to Chicago.

The last time I met Clinton, he was getting on a train to go to Chicago.

James was only to have discovered years afterwards that painting he had sold for a few dollars was actually worth thousands.

James was only to discover years afterwards that painting he had sold for a few dollars was actually worth thousands.

You had better to leave now if you want to catch the last bus.

You had better leave now if you want to catch the last bus.

If Clinton can afford to go on holidays to New York, he should have a lot of money.

If Clinton can afford to go on holidays to New York, he must have a lot of money.

I am sure you will already hear the Presidents announcement.

I am sure you will already have heard the Presidents announcement.

I did not actually see the film, but from what I have read I am sure I would not enjoy it.

I did not actually see the film, but from what I have read I am sure I would not have enjoyed it.

We would have a cat, but one day it just disappeared.

We used to have a cat, but one day it just disappeared.

Before I went to university, I used to work as a carpenter for about five years.

Before I went to university, I worked as a carpenter for about five years.

If the drought goes on much longer, there can be water rationing before the end of the month.

If the drought goes on much longer, there could be water rationing before the end of the month.

May it snow this far south?

Could it snow this far south?

Her parents can have influenced her decision to resign.

Her parents could have influenced her decision to resign.

I was in my office all day. You may have come to see me at any time.

I was in my office all day. You might have come to see me at any time.

I am able to believe she is 50. She looks much younger than that.

I can not believe she is 50. She looks much younger than that.

After the trees have been cut back, we can see more of the garden from the sitting room.

After the trees have been cut back, we will be able see more of the garden from the sitting room.

She was bruised quiet badly in the accident. It has got to still hurt a lot.

She was bruised quiet badly in the accident. It must still hurt a lot.

When I went to school we must learn Latin.

When I went to school I had to learn Latin.

He did not cook the dish himself, so you must not eat it all. He would not be offended.

He did not cook the dish himself, so you do not have to eat it all. He would not be offended.

You need not a special pass to get in.

You need not have a special pass to get in.

Can I use the computer? Of course you could.

Can I use the computer? Of course you can.

He should like some milk, please.

He would like some milk, please.

He appeared having trouble with his car.

He appeared to be having trouble with his car.

The police got suspicious of two men looking into all the cars.

The police became suspicious of two men looking into all cars.

He would have a distinction in the exam, but he answered question two badly.

He would have got a distinction in the exam, but he answered question two badly.

It is worth having the trouble to write to him. He never replies.

It is worth taking the trouble to write to him. He never replies.

We made some research in to the state of Swedish car industry.

We did some research in to the state of Swedish car industry.

I am afraid I did mistake in the calculation.

I am afraid I made mistake in the calculation.

The fence was collapsed during the storm.

The fence collapsed during the storm.

Before his lecture, Professor Taylor was introduced us.

Before his lecture, Professor Taylor was introduced to us.

The orchestra was conducted.

The orchestra was conducted well.

The training program was conducted.

The training program was conducted well.

James was remembered leaving the house at about 2.00.

Some one remembered James leaving the house at about 2.00.

The children were wanted to come with me.

The children wanted to come with me.

It has been told that the road will be closed tomorrow for repairs.

It has been announced that the road will be closed tomorrow for repairs.

John was decided to chair the meeting.

It was decided that John would chair the meeting.

What you would like to drink?

What would you like to drink?

I asked James how was he getting to New York.

I asked James how he was getting to New York.

Have not you finished your homework yet?

Haven’t you finished your homework?

Have not you got nobody to help you?

Haven’t you got anybody to help you?

I have forgotten my watch. Which time do you make it?

I have forgotten my watch. What time is it?

Who are coming to your party?

Who is coming to your party?

There is need for you to help cook the meal. Just sit down and enjoy.

Just sit down and enjoy.

James’s is 50 tomorrow. Yes I know it.

James’s is 50 tomorrow. Yes I know.

I refuse you to go on the trip.

I refuse to allow you to go on the trip.

He made me to do it.

He made me do it.

Did you remember buying some milk on your way home?

Did you remember to buy some milk on your way home?

If the stain does not come out of your shirt when you wash it, try to soak it first in bleach.

If the stain doesn’t come out of your shirt when you wash it, try soaking it first in bleach.

He advised me giving up smoking.

He advised me to give up smoking.

I heard a bottle smashing.

I heard a bottle smash.

I told where we should meet.

I told him where we should meet.

She asked me the way how to get the city center.

She asked me the way to the city center.

She debated if to tell her mother about the accident.

She debated whether to tell her mother about the accident.

When I went to the dentist last week, I got two teeth taken out.

When I went to the dentist last week, I had two teeth taken out.

I would like this parcel to send to Malaysia, please. How much will it cost?

I would like this parcel sent to Malaysia, please. How much will it cost?

I would like to send this parcel to Malaysia, please. How much will it cost?

I asked the way to him

I asked him the way.

She said me good-bye.

She said good-bye to me.

‘Why isn’t David coming to eat with us?’ ‘He did not say he was very hungry.’

‘Why isn’t David coming to eat with us?’ ‘He said he was not very hungry.’

An announcement was made in parliament today there has been a sharp fall in unemployment.

An announcement was made in parliament today that there has been a sharp fall in unemployment.

The Doctor reassured that the operation was a very routine one.

The Doctor reassured me that the operation was a very routine one.

I suggested Bob that he should try the supermarket in the Volley Street.

I suggested to Bob that he should try the supermarket in the Volley Street.

Your mother tells me you were still hoping to become wet.

Your mother tells me you are still hoping to become wet.

The student confessed that he hasn’t done his homework.

The student confessed that he hadn’t done his homework.

I have been just talking your mother. I understood that you are very worried about your exam.

I have been just talking to your mother. I understand that you are very worried about your exam.

Mary said about her holiday to the rest of her class.

Mary talked about her holiday to the rest of her class.

The Doctor advised to cut down on fatty foods.

The Doctor advised me to cut down on fatty foods. (An object is needed between the verb and to-infinitive clause)

I asked to my brother if I could borrow his bike.

I asked my brother if I could borrow his bike. (We ask someone something. We do not ask to someone)

The conditions of the will state that he do not sell the property within five years.

The conditions of the will state that he not sell the property within five years.

When jenny phoned last week, she said that she will be arriving this morning. But she hasn’t turned up.

When jenny phoned last week, she said that she would be arriving this morning. But she hasn’t turned up.

John told me he shall be on Hong Kong in August.

John told me that he would be in Hong Kong in August.

The equipments were funny.

The equipment was funny.

The company is doing a lot of businesses in South America.

The company is doing a lot of business in South America.

The contrast between Britain and other countries in Europe are striking.

The contrast between Britain and other countries in Europe is striking.

The staff of the company is holding a meeting to discuss the pay-offer.

The staff of the company are holding a meeting to discuss the pay-offer.

120 miles are too far to travel.

120 miles is too far to travel.

40% of the people under the age of 25 is unemployed.

40% of the people under the age of 25 are unemployed.

It belongs to a friend of his.

It belongs to a friend of him.

They went on a three months training course.

They went on a three months’ training course.

We put our empty bottles in a bottles bank for recycling.

We put our empty bottles in a bottle bank for recycling.

I have got two brother-in-laws.

I have got two brothers-in-law.

She bought me chocolate box for my birthday.

She bought me a box of chocolates for my birthday.

There have been three breaks-in in this street this month.

There have been three break-ins in this street this month.

I hope to go on to study for a MA in Applied Linguistics.

I hope to go on to study for an MA in Applied Linguistics.

Have you got one pen you could lend me?

Have you got a pen you could lend me?

Lucy is lawyer, like his father.

Lucy is a lawyer, like his father.

For most of the journey, there was the clear sky.

For most of the journey, there was clear sky.

Can you shut a door after you, please?

Can you shut the door after you, please?

She pointed to a mark on the carpet. A stain was about 4 centimeter across.

She pointed to a mark on the carpet. The stain was about 4 centimeter across.

When I was young, I used to collect some stamps as a hobby.

When I was young, I used to collect stamps as a hobby.

For some reasons, Megan doesn’t want to come on holiday with us.

For some reason, Megan doesn’t want to come on holiday with us.

Soup I had last night was too salty.

The soup I had last night was too salty.

A can opener was invented in 1862.

The can opener was invented in 1862.

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