Two Syllable Words

Here are few Two Syllable Words. To understand word stress, we have to understand syllables. Words have one or more syllables. A syllable is a unit of pronunciation. It consists of either a vowel sound alone or a vowel and one or more consonant sounds. Notice that (with a few rare exceptions) every syllable contains at least one vowel (a, e, i, o or u) or vowel sound. Every word is made from syllables. Each word has one, two, three or more syllables.

There are ....

  1. Acquired

  2. Again

  3. Aircrafts

  4. Alleged

  5. Ancient

  6. Auto

  7. Avoid

  8. Bacon

  9. Basket

  10. Behaved

  11. Between

  12. Bible

  13. Billion

  14. Birthright

  15. Brilliant

  16. Buildings

  17. Collapsed

  18. Conscience

  19. Cycle

  20. Danger

  21. Daring

  22. Discuss

  23. Drearier

  24. Enter

  25. Evening

  26. Every

  27. Evil

  28. Forceps

  29. Hamper

  30. Hockey

  31. Hundred

  32. Inspired

  33. Involved

  34. Kitten

  35. London

  36. Lumber

  37. Mountain

  38. Photo

  39. Playful

  40. Police

  41. Sheepish

Syllables Index

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