Beauties of English Index
The following lines may be rapidly repeated several times in order to see the effect of these Tongue-Twisters.
Amidst the mists and coldest frost.
With barest wrists and stoutest boasts.
He thrusts his fists against the posts.
And still insists he sees the ghosts.
Are you copper bottoming 'em, my man?
No'm, I'm aluminiuming 'em, mum.
A bloke’s back brake block broke.
Double bubble gum bubbles double.
Fanny Finch fried five floundering fish for Francis's father
Lemon Liniment.
Preshrunk shirts.
The seething sea ceaseth and thus sufficient, us.
She stood at the door of Burgess's fish-sauce shop welcoming him in.
Six slim slick slender saplings.
The sixth sheikh's sixth sheep's sick.
Strange strategic statistics.
Tie twine to three tree wigs.
Truly rural.
Here is the Complete List of Tongue Twisters.
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