Science Projects Index
Thermal Insulation
Take four empty tin cans. Wrap one with paper, the other with cotton cloth and the third with a woollen cloth.
Pour boiling water in all three and close them tightly.
Place the fourth can in a bigger glass vessel and fill it with boiling water and close it. Close the glass vessel also.
After thirty minutes, compare the temperature of each can using a thermometer.
A Simple Barometer
On the mouth of an empty glass vessel, stretch a piece of balloon and tie it in that position using a string. Take a drinking straw and fix one end of it on the centre of the balloon. At the other end glue a stitching needle. Now place the whole thing beside a white cardboard with scale markings on it. When the atmosphere pressure increases the stretched balloon will go down causing the pointer needle to go up.
At the same time a, drop in pressure will cause the balloon to bulge causing the pointer needle to come down. Thus, this can be used as a Barometer.
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