The Process of Conception

Beauties of English Index

The Process of Conception is here.

Beneath those parts, where stretching to its bound,
The low Abdomen grids the Belly round,
The Shop of nature lies, a vacant Space,
Of small Circumference divides the Place,
Pear-like the Shape : within a Membrane spreads,
Her various texture of meandrous Threds.
These draw the vessels to a pursy State,
And or contract their substance, or dilate,
Here veins, Nerves, Arteries in pairs declare,
How robler parts deserve a double Care.
They form the mass the Blood and Spirits drain,
That irrigate profuse the thirsty Plain.
The Bottom of the Womb 'tis call'd. The Sides are cleft,
By Cells distinguish'd into Right and Left,
'Tis thought that Females in the Left prevail,
And that the Right contains the sprightly Male,
A passage here in Form oblong extends,
Where fast compress'd the stiffen'd Nerve ascends,
And the warm Fluid with concurring Fluids blends.
The Sages this the Womb's neck justly name.
Within the hollow of its inward Frame,
Join'd to the parts a small protuberance grows,
Whose rising hips the deep Recesses close.
For while the Tiller all his strength collects,
While Hope anticipates the fair Effects,
The lubricated parts their Station leave,
And closely to the working Engine cleave.
Each Vessel stretches, and distending wide,
The greedy Womb attracts in glowing Tide,
And either Sex Commix'd, the Streams united glide,
But now the Womb relax'd, with pleasing pair
Gently subsides into itself again.
The Seed moves with it, and thus clos'd within,
The tender Drops of Entity begin,
What Joy the Fibres of the stomach feel.
Long pinch'd with Hunger, at a greatful Meal,
Such tickling pleasure throu the Womb is Sent,
When the first particles of Life ferment,
This easy picture of the Parts explains,
How frequent Motion no Effect obtains.
The Seed and Pleasure lost in eager Strife;
A useful Lesson to the forward Wife.

From Callipaedia or the Art of Getting Beautiful Children (Book II) : Translated from Latin by George Sewell : 1688-1726

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