The Complete List of Homonyms
This is The Complete List of Homonyms which contains all the Homonyms.
Gait: A person’s manner of walking
Gate: A hinged barrier used to close an opening in a wall, fence or hedge
Gild: To cover or coat thinly with guild
Gilled: Having gills-the paired respiratory organ of fish and some amphibians through which oxygen is extracted from water
Guild: An association of people in pursuit of a common guild or mutual aid
Gin: An alcoholic beverage
Jinn: (In Arabian and Islamic mythology) An intelligent spirit that can appear in human and animal form(also spelt djinn)
1. A device on a cooker that radiates heat downwards for cooking food
2. A gridiron used for cooking food on an open fire
3. A dish of food, particularly meat cooked using a grill
4. (Informal) Subject someone to intense questioning or interrogation
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