Teachers Games for Vocabulary

English Vocabulary Index

Teachers Games for Vocabulary for 24th August :

  1. Precipice (n) : a steep descent

  2. Précis (n) : summary

  3. Précis (v) : summarize

  4. Precise (adj.) : exact, accurate

  5. Precision (n) : accuracy

  6. Preclude (v) : exclude, prevent

  7. Precocious (adj.) : premature, smart forward

  8. Preconceive (v) : conceive before hand

  9. Predatory (adj.) : living by plunder, plundering, preying upon others

  10. Predecessor (n) : former holder of any office, thing to which another has succeeded, forefather

  11. Predetermine (n) : to decree before hand

  12. Predicate (n) : that part of a sentence which expresses something about the subject

  13. Predict (v) : foretell

  14. Prediction (n) : foretelling, prophecy

  15. Predispose (v) : render liable

  16. Predominance (n) : superiority

  17. Predominant (adj.) : having more power, supreme

  18. Predominate (v) : rule over, be superior to

  19. Pre-eminent (adj.) : superior, excelling, surpassing all others

  20. Preen (v) : trim feathers with beak, trim oneself

  21. Preface (n) : author’s explanatory remark to a book

  22. Preface (v) : say a preface

  23. Perfect (n) : a police officer, a monitor, a governor

  24. Prefer (v) : exalt, address, advance select

  25. Prefer (n) : preferment, advancement, promotion

  26. Preferable (adj.) : more desirable

  27. Preference (n) : a better liking, a choice, prior claim

  28. Preference (adj.) : preferential

  29. Prefix (v) : place before

  30. Prefix (n) : word or syllable

  31. Pregnancy (n) : state of being pregnant, significance

  32. Pregnant (adj.) : full of meaning being with child

  33. Prehistoric (adj.) : pertaining to the time before recorded history

  34. Prejudge (v) : form an opinion in advance

  35. Prejudice (n) : unfair opinion, injury

  36. Prejudice (v) : to fill with prejudice, damage, harm

  37. Prelate (n) : a bishop

  38. Preliminary (adj.) : introductory, preparatory

  39. Prelude (n) : an introductory piece

  40. Premeditate (v) : to think out before the proper time, untimely

  41. Premeditate (v) : to think out before hand

  42. Premier (adj.) : first in position important

  43. Premier (n) : prime minister

Teachers Games for Vocabulary for 24th August :

English Vocabulary Index

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