Talking Numbers
Talking Numbers : Numbers have always fascinated mankind. The ancients attached mystical significance to numbers and believed they held all the mysterious to the origins and systematic functioning of the universe.
Indeed, numbers can talk if only we know how to decipher their secret meanings. The word number itself has many meanings, besides the regular mathematical definition, one of these being: a song, dance or other musical item, according to the Concise Oxford English Dictionary. In this chapter, we will let numbers do the talking in unlocking the meaning of hitherto esoteric or meaningless words. The words on these pages are either directly derived from numbers or have numbers embedded in their etymology (roots) or meanings. You are welcome to share your talking numbers with the rest of the world by submitting them to us. We will add those words in these lists. Quadrennial : adjective Lasting for or occurring every four years Quarantine : noun A state, period or place of isolation for people or animals that have arrived from elsewhere or been exposed to contagious disease Quarantine : verb To put in quarantine Quartet : noun 1. A group of four people playing music or singing together 2. A set of four people or things Quatrain : noun A stanza of four lines, typically with alternate rhymes Quinquegenarian : noun A person between 50 and 59 years Quinquennium : noun A period of five years Quintessence : noun 1. The most perfect or typical example 2. A refined essence or extract of a substance Quintet : noun 1. A group of five people playing music or singing together 2. A set of five people or things Quintuplet : noun Each of five children born at one birth or delivery Quorum : noun The minimum number of members of an assembly or society that must be present at a meeting to make the proceedings valid
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