
English Grammar Index

Questions Page

Split the following into Syllables.

  1. reference - re / fe / re / nce - poly syllables

  2. familiar - fami / liar - poly syllables

  3. morality - mo / ra / lity - three syllables

  4. diagrammatic - dia / gram / ma / tic - poly syllables

  5. polar - po / lar - two syllables

  6. important - im / por / tant - three syllables

  7. comparative - com / pa / ra / tive - poly syllables

  8. painted - pain / ted - two syllables

  9. information - in / for / ma / tion - poly syllables

  10. occupation - occu / pa / tion - three syllables

  11. rainfall - rain / fall - two syllables

  12. instrument - in / stru / ment - three syllables

  13. certificate - cer / ti / fi / cate - poly syllables

  14. dominant - domi / nant - two syllables

  15. convenient - con / ven / ient - three syllables

  16. necessary - ne / ces / sa / ry - poly syllables

  17. temper - tem / per - two syllables

  18. instruction - in / struc / tion - three syllables

  19. appearance - ap / pear / ance - poly syllables

  20. testifies - testi / fies - two syllables

  21. condition - con / di / tion - three syllables

  22. intelligence - in / tel / li / gence - three syllables

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