Difficult Words :

Superfluous and Superficial

Difficult Words : Superfluous and Superficial

Superficial (SOO pur FISH ul) adj: on the surface only, shallow, not thorough

Tom had indeed been shot, but the wound was superficial. The bullet had merely creased the tip of his nose.

The mechanic, who was in a hurry, gave my car what appeared to be a very superficial tune-up. In fact, if he checked the oil, he did it without opening the hood.

A person who is superficial can be accused of superficiality. The superficiality of the editor's comments made us think that he hadn’t really read the manuscript.

Superfluous (soo PUR floo us) adj: extra, unnecessary, redundant

Andrew's attempt to repair the light bulb was superfluous, since the light bulb had already been repaired.

Roughly 999 of the 1,000-page book's pages were superfluous.

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