Subject and Predicate

Grammar Index : 2

A sentence can be divided into two parts.

1. Subject

2. Predicate

1. Subject :

The subject is the first part of a sentence.

The subject can be a noun or a pronoun.

  • Computer is now a days widely used in all industries.

    In this sentence, COMPUTER is the subject.

  • Clinton is the best student in this college.

    In this sentence, CLINTON is the subject.

  • Indiana is a state in USA.

    In this sentence, INDIANA is the subject.

  • Clinton, Mary, Kumar, Sunil, India, Peacock, Computer, Nokia, Japan, Harvard, Indiana, Mexico, Asia, etc., are few of the NOUNS which can play as subjects.

    I, we, you, he, she, it and they are the seven pronouns which can be as the subjects.

    2. Predicate :

    The predicate is the part of the sentence excluding the subject of the sentence.

  • Computer is now a days widely used in all industries.

    In this sentence, is now a days widely used in all industries is the predicate.

  • Clinton is the best student in this college.

    In this sentence, is the best student in this college is the predicate.

  • Indiana is a state in USA.

    In this sentence, is a state in USA is the predicate.

  • Examples :

    1. Niranjan is a clever student.

      Subject : Niranjan

      Predicate : is a clever student

    2. They are enjoying the tour.

      Subject : They

      Predicate : are enjoying the tour

    3. Steffi paints the picture.

      Subject : Steffi

      Predicate : paints the picture

    4. My teachers are wise.

      Subject : My teachers

      Predicate : are wise

    5. The teacher teaches well.

      Subject : The teacher

      Predicate : teaches well

    6. Birds fly high.

      Subject : Birds

      Predicate : fly high

    7. Stars twinkle at night.

      Subject : Stars

      Predicate : twinkle at night

    8. The Sun rises in the east.

      Subject : The Sun

      Predicate : rises in the east

    9. The Sun shines during the day time.

      Subject : The Sun

      Predicate : shines during the day time

    10. The Moon shines brightly.

      Subject : The Moon

      Predicate : shines brightly

    11. Cock crows in the morning.

      Subject : Cock

      Predicate : crows in the morning

    12. The boy runs very fast.

      Subject : The boy

      Predicate : runs very fast

    13. The girl dances well.

      Subject : The girl

      Predicate : dances well

    14. Meena sang well.

      Subject : Meena

      Predicate : sang well

    15. The tiger eats meat.

      Subject : The tiger

      Predicate : eats meat

    16. My daughter wants to eat ice-cream.

      Subject : My daughter

      Predicate : wants to eat ice-cream

    17. The child is sleeping.

      Subject : The child

      Predicate : is sleeping

    18. The dog bites the boy.

      Subject : The dog

      Predicate : bites the boy

    19. Flowers bloom in the garden.

      Subject : Flowers

      Predicate : bloom in the garden

    20. My brother is an engineer.

      Subject : My brother

      Predicate : is an engineer

    Grammar Index : 2

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