Storm in The Black Forest

English Poems Index

Storm in The Black Forest :

Now it is almost night, from the bronzey soft sky

jugfull after jugfull of pure white liquid fire, bright white

tipples over and spills down,

and is gone

and gold-bronze flutters beat through the thick upper air.

And as the electric liquid pours out, sometimes

a still brighter white snake wriggles among it, spilled

and tumbling wriggling down the sky :

and then the heavens cackle with uncouth sounds.

And the rain won’t come, the rain refuses to come!

This is the electricity that man is supposed to have mastered

chained, subjugated to his own use!

supposed to!

By David Herbert Lawrence

About The Poet :

Storm in the Black Forest was written by David Herbert Lawrence (1885-1930). Lawrence first published a book in 1911 and in the nineteen years between then and his death in 1930, he produced over forty volumes of fiction (novels and short stories), poetry and essays. Not a year went by without something from his pen being published. He is chiefly known as a writer of novels but the first time he ever appeared in print was as a poet. He continued to write poetry throughout his life.

Lawrence's poems are full of vitality and power. You will see in Storm in the Black Forest Lawrence's great power over words. His description of the thunderstorm and the lightning is truly electric!

Words to Know :

Bronzey : of the colour of bronze

Cackle : high-pitched harsh sound or laugh (often suggesting pleasure at the misfortune of another)

Flutters : rapid, repetitive or back and forth movements

Subjugated : brought under control

Tipples : tumbles, cascades, overturns

Uncouth : uncivilized, behaving in an ill-mannered, unrefined way

English Poems Index

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