Spoken Words

English Vocabulary Index

Spoken Words for 16th December :

  1. Virulence (n) : severity, destructive, power

  2. Virus (n) : a poison which causes infection

  3. Visage (n) : the face or look, countenance

  4. Viscera (n & pl) : inner organs of an animal body

  5. Vis-à-vis (adv.) : facing one another

  6. Viscosity (n) : stickiness

  7. Viscount (n) : a noble man in great Britain holding a rank between earl and baron

  8. Viscous (adj.) : sticky

  9. Visibility (n) : state of being seen by the eye

  10. Visible (adj.) : that may be seen

  11. Vision (n) : faculty of seeing intuition, something seen

  12. Visit (v) : to go to see a person or place

  13. Visitant (n) : a visitor

  14. Visitation (n) : act of visiting, punishment from God

  15. Visitor (n) : a visitant

  16. Visor (n) : mask

  17. Vizor (n) : mask

  18. Vista (n) : a view

  19. Visual (adj.) : concerned with seeing

  20. Visualize (v) : imagine

  21. Vital (adj.) : essential, pertaining to life

  22. Vitals (n) : essential organs

  23. Vitamin (n) : a natural food constituent, essential for health, strength and normal growth of the body

  24. Vitiate (v) ; to destroy the effect of

  25. Vitreous (adj.) : like glass, relating to glass

  26. Vitriol (n) : a soluble sulphate of a metal, white vitriol, green vitriol, blue vitriol

  27. Vituperate (v) : to scold in abusive language

  28. Vivacious (adj.) : lively, active

  29. Vivacity (n) : animation, cheerfulness, briskness, liveliness

  30. Viva-voce (n) : oral examination

  31. Vivid (adj.) : lively, striking clear, lucid

  32. Vivify (v) : animate, impart life

  33. Vivisection (n) : cut and experiment on for scientific invention

  34. Vixen (n) : female-fox, termagant

  35. Viz (adv.) : (a contraction of VIDELICET) namely

  36. Vizier (n) : a minister for state (Muslim)

  37. Vocal (adj.) : for or using of or with the voice

  38. Vocation (n) : employment occupation, calling

  39. Vocative (adj.) : belonging to calling by name

  40. Vociferate (v) : cry out loudly, shout

  41. Vociferous (adj.) : noisy

  42. Vodka (n) : strong drink from rye

Spoken Words for 16th December :

English Vocabulary Index

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