Some Outdoor Projects
A Simple Barometer

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Some Outdoor Projects

Request your parents or teachers to take you to a nearby planetorium so that you can have a better understanding of space. Also try to visit a nearby observatory and using a high power telescope which is installed there and have a view of the space. Always carry your star map, red lamp, pencil and notebook along with you for making notes.

A Simple Barometer

Take a tub and with the help of modelling clay fix a ruler vertically in it. Fill half of the tub with water. Take a plastic bottle, paste a length of surgical plaster along the entire length of it and make marks at the gap of 5 mm on the plaster. Fill three fourth of the bottle with water, cover its mouth with your thumb and invert the bottle inside the tub.

Depending upon changes in air pressure the water level in the bottle will increase and decrease.

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