Small Words for Big Words

Small Words for Big Words Index

This section has been put into this site simply to provide mental recreation on
Small Words and to help those who are interested in word games. It is well to emphasize, however, that it is generally better to use the Small Words rather than the big words both in speaking and in writing.

Big Words…Small Words

  1. Salacious…lustful

  2. Salutary…beneficial

  3. Sangfroid…calmness

  4. Sangfroid…coolness

  5. Sanguinary…blood-thirsty

  6. Sebaceous…fatty

  7. Secrete…hide

  8. Sedentary…sitting

  9. Sediment…dregs

  10. Sempervirent…evergreen

  11. Sempiternal…everlasting

  12. Senile…old

  13. Sepulcher…tomb

  14. Setaceous…bristly

  15. Simulacrum…image

  16. Sobriquet…nickname

  17. Somnolence…sleep

  18. Spurious…false

  19. Sterile…barren

  20. Stratagem…trick

  21. Subaltern…subordinate

  22. Subterranean…underground

  23. Succedaneum…substitute

  24. Succinct…brief

  25. Succulent…juicy

  26. Sudation…sweat

  27. Supercilious…arrogant

  28. Surmise…guesses

  29. Surreptitious…secret

  30. Surveillance…supervision

It is generally better to use the
Small Words rather than the big words both in speaking and in writing.

Small Words for Big Words Index


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