
Similes are a specific and formulaic form of allegory. A simile is a juxtaposed comparison of two or more objects to draw attention to their similarities. In English, similes are typically marked by use of
like or as or than or resembles. Similes show how two things, that are not alike in most ways, are similar in one important way. Similes are a way to describe something. Authors use them to make their writing more interesting or entertaining.

A popular mnemonic for a simile is that
a simile is similar or alike.


1. Playing chess with Ashley is
like trying to outsmart a computer.

The activity
playing chess with Ashley is being compared to trying to outsmart a computer. The point is that Ashley can think in a powerful manner that resembles the way a computer operates, not that she is like a computer in any other way.

2. His temper was
as explosive as a volcano.

His temper is being compared to a volcano in that it can be sudden and violent.

Few more examples:

• Walking onto those sun-warmed stones was like stepping onto a hot plate.
• The cat, quick as lightning, pounced on the rat.
• She's as dull as a doorknob.

Similes have been widely used in literature for their expressiveness as a figure of speech:

• Curley was flopping like a fish on a line.
• The very mist on the Essex marshes was like a gauzy and radiant fabric.
• Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world like a Colossus.

Here is list of Similes beginning with

• As fabulous as Aladdin’s ring
• As faint as the hum of distant bees
• As fair as the morning
• As fair as the truth
• As fair as the Eve in paradise
• As faithful as the dog
• As faithful as the sun
• As faithful as the fair weather
• As false as dice
• As familiar as a oath
• As familiar as a popular song
• As far as the poles asunder
• As fast as light
• As fast as an eagle
• As fast as a storm
• As fat as a porpoise
• As fat as a sheep’s tail
• As fat as the distillery’s pig
• As fickle as the weather
• As fickle as the friends
• As fickle as the sea
• As fidgety as an old maid
• As fierce as the famished wolf
• As fierce as the wolves
• As firm as faith
• As firm as adamant
• As firm as Rocky Mountains
• As firm as steel
• As fit as fiddle
• As fixed as the laws of the Medes
• As fixed as the Persians
• As fixed as fate
• As flabby as sponge
• As flat as pancake
• As flat as the fens of Holland
• As fleet as a greyhound
• As fleet as the wind
• As flimsy as gauze
• As flimsy as gossamer
• As foolish as calf
• As foul as slander
• As foul as sty
• As frail as lily
• As frail as flowers
• As frail as glass
• As free as a sea breeze
• As free as a rose
• As friendless as an alarm clock
• As friendly as a puppy
• As frigid as an iceberg
• As frightened as Macbeth before the ghost of Banquet
• As frisky as colt
• As frizzled as the lawyer’s wig
• As fruitful as Egypt
• As full as an egg is of meat

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