Grammar Index : 2
Let us see what sentences are.
A sentence is a group of words that makes a complete sense.
A sentence is an outcome of a complete thought.
A sentence always begins with a capital letter.
All sentences will have verbs.
A sentence could be formed without subject or an object.
But, no sentence could be formed without a verb.
Examples :
The boy is drinking water.
Humpty Dumpty plays.
Jack Horner cries.
Little Johny needs help.
New Delhi is the capital of India.
We will come to the shop to purchase a book.
The roses smell sweet.
Where do you live?
Have a mercy upon me.
Oh My God! I forget to return the library book.
He is my best friends.
She is an intelligent girl.
I will not give in at any cost.
The parrot is a beautiful bird.
The Sun shines bright.
There are four kinds of Sentences, namely :
Assertive Sentences
Interrogative Sentences
Imperative Sentences
Exclamatory Sentences
The Other Four Units of English are :
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