Secrets of Success : SET # - 14
Here is List of The Top 200 Secrets of Success and the Pillars of Self-Mastery suggested by Robin S. Sharma who is The Author of the best seller
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.
131. Develop a sense of wonder about the world. Be an explorer. Find pleasure in the things
that others take for granted. Stop and actually listen to that wonderful street musician
playing the trumpet. Read that classic book your father loved so much. Plan to get away
from the city next week and visit a secluded, powerfully natural place for a few days.
Take a mini-retreat and care for your mind, body and spirit. It will profoundly improve
the quality of your life.
132. Send cards on birthdays and little notes from time to time showing that you care and were
thinking about your relations. We are all busy but if you spend just five minutes a week
to send a card to a friend or family member, by the year end you will have sent out 52
cards. This is a small investment for the dividends that are guaranteed to follow.
133. Remember and use people's names when you talk to them. A person's name is a uniquely
sweet sound to them.
134. Go outdoors and look up into the blue sky for half an hour. Note the supremely strong
feeling that you get when you are connected to Nature. Get away from your rigid
schedule today and spend the afternoon in a beautiful setting. Walk in the woods and sit
by a cool stream. Go fishing or rent a canoe. Getting away from your routine will provide
a refreshing release and make you feel wonderful when you eventually return.
135. Once every few weeks, leave your watch at home. In this society we often become bound
to the clock and soon it governs our every action like a rigid taskmaster. Go through the
day doing precisely what you wish to do and for however long you wish to do it. Spend
time with that special person without having to run off to your next appointment. Savour
the moments and focus on what is truly important rather than those mundane things that
somehow take on a greater importance than they really deserve. Lose the clock and gain
some quality time.
136. Laugh at work and be known as a positive achiever.
137. An idea gives rise to a mental image. A mental image will then generate a mental habit
out of which a mental trait ultimately blossoms. Master your thoughts and you master
your mind; master your mind and you master your life; master your life and you master
your destiny.
138. Recognize the tremendous power of opposition thinking. This simple technique simply
involves the substitution of a positive thought each and every time a negative or limiting
thought enters your mind and begins to detract from your focus. For example, on a
Sunday evening, you may think "I wish I did not have to return to work tomorrow after
such a pleasant and relaxing weekend." Immediately replace this defeating thought
pattern before it begins to take hold by thinking the opposite. For example you might
think "I cannot wait to return to the office given the exciting projects on the go and the
wonderful sense of accomplishment I receive after a productive, challenging week." Then
think how fortunate you are to have a job and one that you can advance in through your
own efforts and productivity. Make a list of all of the positive attributes of your position
and repeat them over and over. Soon the negative pattern will be broken and you will
look toward the exciting week ahead with that most fabulous of qualities: enthusiasm.
139. Get deep into the habit of personal introspection. Ben Franklin called this one of the most
important strategies for personal effectiveness. Spend ten minutes every night before you
go to bed in self-examination. Think about the good things you did during the day and the
bad actions you may have taken which you must change in order to excel and grow.
Successful people are simply more thoughtful than others. Daily reflection will soon
allow for the eradication of your negative qualities (ranging from procrastination to
gossiping to insulting others) and will sharpen the mind. After steady practice, a time will
eventually arrive when the mistakes you make are few indeed and your personal power
will move to the highest level.
140. The most efficient and effective alarm clock ever developed lies within our own minds. If
you do not believe this, try the following: 1. Sit in an easy chair approximately ten
minutes before you go to bed. 2. Shut your eyes and gently rest your hands on your
knees. 3. Breathe deeply for a few minutes (inhale to the count of five, hold to the count
of ten and exhale fully). 4. Repeat the following command to yourself at least twenty
times: "I will awake at (the desired time) feeling fresh, alert and enthusiastic." This
command must be said with feeling and emotion. Then take a few seconds to visualize
yourself waking up at the desired time (the more detailed the mental picture the better)
and imagine how great you will feel. You will soon wake up at the desired moment after
little or no practice.
The Complete Set of Secrets of Success….
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Secrets of Success
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