Scholar Quotes

Quotes and Quotations Index

Here are The Scholar Quotes.

  1. One who does not get angry is considered superior to the one who does.

    The tolerant is regarded better than the intolerant.

    Humans are believed to be superior to birds and animals.

    Similarly a scholar deserves a greater honour than what is given to the fools.
    (A Sanskrit Saying)

  2. A mere scholar, who knows nothing but books, must be ignorant even of them. Books do not teach the use of books. How should he know anything of a work who knows nothing of the subject of it? The learned pedant is conversant with books only as they are made of other books and those again of others without end. He parrots those who have parroted others. He can translate the same word into ten different languages. But he knows nothing of the thing which it means in anyone of them.
    (Hazlitt : Table Talk)

  3. The world's great men have not commonly been great scholars, nor great scholars great men.
    (Oliver Wendell Holmes : 1809-1894)

  4. There mark what ills the scholar's life assail,
    Toil, envy, want, the patron and the jail.
    (Samuel Johnson)

  5. He was a scholar and a ripe and good one.
    Exceeding wise, fair spoken and persuading;
    Lofty and sour to them that lov'd him not,
    But to those men that sought him sweet as summer.
    (Shakespeare : Henry VIII)

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