Rhyming Words
Rhyming Words are more than slang words. However, these Words have a charm and romance all their own. Here are few selected such Words for your reference. All these words should be used only in informal context.
1. the holy of holies in the Jewish temple
2. A place of utmost inviolability and privacy
When devotees enter the sanctum-sanctorum they maintain pin-drop silence.
Verb: Be indecisive
Noun: Indecisive behavior
Shilly-shally people do not go very far in life.
Orderly and neat
As a designer, one’s work must always be shipshape.
Sum mum bonum:
The highest or supreme good, especially as the ultimate goal according to which values and priorities are established in an ethical system (usually written in italics)
Truth is the sum mum bonum of all religions.
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